Thursday, July 23, 2009

You Can BITCH and MOAN About The Economy When...

One of my pet peeves is the darn media incessantly Bitching and Moaning and droaning on and on about the state of the economy. Daily stats on unemployement. Minute by minute reports on why the stimulus packages isn‘t working. Weekly griping about CEOs still taking huge bonuses. ENOUGH!

Well, as the lead Rebel Entertainer and someone who is always thinking of every possible way to keep ahead of this “new economy”, I thought I’d give you license to Bitch and Moan. You read that right. I am officially giving you license to bitch and moan about the economy.

BUT... you have to meet some qualifications. Here they are:

You can bitch and moan about the economy if....

You’ve created and implemented a 5 - 10 step email campaign for anybody who visits your website or requests info about your services.

You can bitch and moan about the economy if....

You’ve contacted all CURRENT customers at least 3 times in the last three months by email, mail or phone.

You can bitch and moan about the economy if....

You’ve contacted all PAST and DEAD customers to find out why they left and see if they are in need of your services now.

You can bitch and moan about the economy if....

You’ve created a new show or brand new services that you can present to your current and new customers.

You can bitch and moan about the economy if....

You’ve started an entire new campaign either through direct mail or website or magazine ads or Facebook or Twitter and every other media you can think of to get NEW customers.

You can bitch and moan about the economy if....

You’ve contacted all agents and party planners around your area.

You can bitch and moan about the economy if....

You’ve attended every convention and expo within your target market.

You can bitch and moan about the economy if....

You’ve become a member of your local Chamber of Commerce and contacted every business in the Chamber about your services

You can bitch and moan about the economy if....

You’re blogging regularly to your target market.

OK. If you’ve taken every single one of these actions and you’re still struggling with making money in this economy, then you are officially licensed to Bitch and Moan.

- John
Rebel Entertainer and Official Licenser of The Bitchers and Moaners