The last word on name recognition comes from one of my most prolific Rebel Entertainers Carmen Tellez. You read her success story a few weeks ago. Well, there’s a reason she’s so successful.
Before you read what she says, notice that even in writing this letter to me, Carmen mentions her own website 5 separate times.
Also, notice all the contact web pages at the bottom.
Ok. Here's what Carmen had to say:
The routine with Jeff & Peanut is superbly funny to me regarding his name and dot com. Myself, I hired a singer/songwriter to assemble a jingle. I have it posted on my website for viewers along with a page that includes the words and the option to download.
Funny bit of info.... My friend Jack M., who is a Magician/Balloon Artist even has my Jingleon his iPod that HE takes to events. ;0).
I have this song play at the beginning & end of most of my appearances on a portable music player next to my Photo Banner I hang on my ShowBox.
One of the magic tricks I perform is to use a Magic Bag with the end revealing a T shirt as a gift for the Bday child. If working a company event, then I make sure I choose a child that the t-shirt would fit and the shirt would be one that excludes Happy Birthday printed.
One of the contests at the party is for the participants to say "" 3 times clearly without messing up.
And another contest is the Singing Contest where participants get a print out of the words as they try to sing their own way to the Jingle.
I started an online YouTube contest, but with being pregnant at the time and dealing with other biz & family, I never followed thru with that, but I plan to soon
Well, that's all for now. I'm gonna post this as a note on my FaceBook too so it can nudge me to continue that contest. Your email has made my wheels spin yet again John.
Thank you so very much!
- Artist Entertainer with a Twist of Charm -
877-725-6967 office
562-237-3327 cell
Face Painter - Balloon Artist
Whittier (Los Angeles) CA
As always, an awesome post from Carmen!!!
- John Abrams
Rebel Entertainer and Guy that learns from other Rebel Entertainers every day
Monday, December 21, 2009
Friday, December 18, 2009
Advice from a Clown & a Hypnotist
I’m cleaning out that inbox of great ideas from other Rebel Entertainers. Here’s part 4 of your ideas.
It’s all about name recognition…
The first comes from T Tator Tot (, a wonderful clown out of Snohomish, WA.
She wrote:
"This sounds like something Ruthie (Champagne) did at her twist and shout class in February this year. Repeat repeat repeat. Have the kids say your name at least 10 times!! I try to do it too!! Thanks! - Terri "
Great idea for kids shows Terri. I use this myself.
The next came from Master Hypnotist Jesse Lewis ( Jesse writes:
" John, I am a stage hypnotist. You asked how we can add our names into our show for stage. For hypnotists its easy. In the middle or end of the show we can do a skit where we just tell our volunteers that every time they hear the name Jesse Lewis they will say he’s an awesome hypnotist, or he’s an idiot, something along those lines. This also is a great way to get the crowd involved. That is how I get the audience to say my name Jesse "
Very powerful advice Jesse. Thanks for sharing it.
More to come.
-John Abrams
Rebel Entertainer and Guy the thinks Jesse & Tator are awesome!
It’s all about name recognition…
The first comes from T Tator Tot (, a wonderful clown out of Snohomish, WA.
She wrote:
"This sounds like something Ruthie (Champagne) did at her twist and shout class in February this year. Repeat repeat repeat. Have the kids say your name at least 10 times!! I try to do it too!! Thanks! - Terri "
Great idea for kids shows Terri. I use this myself.
The next came from Master Hypnotist Jesse Lewis ( Jesse writes:
" John, I am a stage hypnotist. You asked how we can add our names into our show for stage. For hypnotists its easy. In the middle or end of the show we can do a skit where we just tell our volunteers that every time they hear the name Jesse Lewis they will say he’s an awesome hypnotist, or he’s an idiot, something along those lines. This also is a great way to get the crowd involved. That is how I get the audience to say my name Jesse "
Very powerful advice Jesse. Thanks for sharing it.
More to come.
-John Abrams
Rebel Entertainer and Guy the thinks Jesse & Tator are awesome!
Monday, December 14, 2009
More on name recognition
First off, I want to thank Sean Miller of Grey Cloud Studios. Sean has a repertory company of variety entertainers (
Sean was the one that reminded me of the Jeff Dunham routine.
Now, part 3 of your ideas.
That Dunham post got a huge response from other Rebel Entertainers. So here some others from Sean. More to come from others in later posts.
First, Sean wrote back reminding me of Chevy Chase:
“How many people who are old enough think that Chevy Chase was on Saturday Night Live for several seasons? The truth of the matter is that he left after the first season, but for that first season his name got said at least once every episode. How? Simple, he decided to finish each "Weekend Update" segment with the words, "I'm Chevy Chase and you're not." That put his name on the lips of people all over the country if not the world. It was a great piece of marketing and served him well enough to land the movie deals he was after.”
Then he mentioned a couple of others:
“I'm not entirely sure where I heard this, but I seem to think it was on a PBS type special. They were talking to Red Skelton and he was telling about how after the first matinee everyday he would call the local hotels that had active lobbies and have himself paged with something like, "Red Skelton, Red Skelton, phone call for Red Skelton from the Palace Theater." That way, his name would be heard along with the theater he was playing in that day. It kind of goes along with what Larry The Cable Guy did by calling into radio stations around the country to build his following. Oops, that makes two more self promoting entertainers.”
Thanks so much for chiming in Sean. We can definitely use these.
- John Abrams
Rebel Entertainer and guy that uses name recognition in every post
Sean was the one that reminded me of the Jeff Dunham routine.
Now, part 3 of your ideas.
That Dunham post got a huge response from other Rebel Entertainers. So here some others from Sean. More to come from others in later posts.
First, Sean wrote back reminding me of Chevy Chase:
“How many people who are old enough think that Chevy Chase was on Saturday Night Live for several seasons? The truth of the matter is that he left after the first season, but for that first season his name got said at least once every episode. How? Simple, he decided to finish each "Weekend Update" segment with the words, "I'm Chevy Chase and you're not." That put his name on the lips of people all over the country if not the world. It was a great piece of marketing and served him well enough to land the movie deals he was after.”
Then he mentioned a couple of others:
“I'm not entirely sure where I heard this, but I seem to think it was on a PBS type special. They were talking to Red Skelton and he was telling about how after the first matinee everyday he would call the local hotels that had active lobbies and have himself paged with something like, "Red Skelton, Red Skelton, phone call for Red Skelton from the Palace Theater." That way, his name would be heard along with the theater he was playing in that day. It kind of goes along with what Larry The Cable Guy did by calling into radio stations around the country to build his following. Oops, that makes two more self promoting entertainers.”
Thanks so much for chiming in Sean. We can definitely use these.
- John Abrams
Rebel Entertainer and guy that uses name recognition in every post
Twitter Tips
I’m finding some serious gold in them there hills! Here’s part 2 of the series of ideas I’ve collected from other Rebel Entertainers.
I was talking about social media (Facebook, Twitter, etc…) and I got this response from Balloon Artist Jason Vaughn of Higher Hope Entertainment (
He has some great points. Here ya’ go.
I thought you and your readers might find some of these tips useful as they begin working with twitter. So here are five tips to get the most out of it.
1.) Have a plan
Like all social media you can waste days on twitter. There are so many people to follow and meet and things to tweet about that it can become overwhelming. So before you come to twitter make a plan. Decide when you'll get on twitter and how much time you'll spend.
I suggest 3 times a day and spending five to ten minutes replying and tweeting.
2.) Use photos and video
Your thoughts are interesting, but people really want to see through your eyes. Tweets with photo links or videos really stand out. They also really help you say may more just 140 characters.
3.) Don't just advertise
So many companies get on twitter and all they do is talk about themselves. No one wants that. It is okay from time to time to talk about your service, but remember that to really be recognized you need to offer value to those reading your tweets. Post stories, thoughts, and inspiring quotes.
4.) Don't be corporate
The days of the nameless faceless companies are gone. And good riddance. Today people don't want that third person nonsense, they want connections and emotions.
Here is an example. Instead of tweeting: “St. Louis Balloon Artist at Chick-Fil-A on Olive from 5-7.”
Tweet: “I can't wait to be at Chick-fil-a on Olive tonight. The families and staff are a blast! I'm there from 5-7 if you get a chance to swing by.”
5.) Speak don't yell
When I first got on twitter I made stupid mistakes like all those above. The biggest I made was that I set up an automated welcome tweet. And of course it was all about me.
For those that don't know an automated welcome is when you set up your account using a twitter application to send a tweet to people when they first follow you. A lot of folks do it (especially companies) but it really does get annoying.
Instead of the automated tweet I suggest looking at your followers' accounts and replying to something in a personal manner.
Well those are a few tips to get started. I'll be expanding on this a lot more at FLOAT for anyone interested. And you know you're always welcome to e-mail me.
John, I'm loving both your courses. It has been a great investment. I've been very profitable in getting my name online and with your help I'm getting great returns offline as well.
I sincerely thank you.
Twistedly yours,
Jason Vaughn
Thanks for sharing these tips Jason. We all really appreciate it!
By the way, you can follow Jason on twitter @HigherHopeDecor and follow me @JohnAbrams1.
- John Abrams
Rebel Entertainer and Big Twit
I was talking about social media (Facebook, Twitter, etc…) and I got this response from Balloon Artist Jason Vaughn of Higher Hope Entertainment (
He has some great points. Here ya’ go.
I thought you and your readers might find some of these tips useful as they begin working with twitter. So here are five tips to get the most out of it.
1.) Have a plan
Like all social media you can waste days on twitter. There are so many people to follow and meet and things to tweet about that it can become overwhelming. So before you come to twitter make a plan. Decide when you'll get on twitter and how much time you'll spend.
I suggest 3 times a day and spending five to ten minutes replying and tweeting.
2.) Use photos and video
Your thoughts are interesting, but people really want to see through your eyes. Tweets with photo links or videos really stand out. They also really help you say may more just 140 characters.
3.) Don't just advertise
So many companies get on twitter and all they do is talk about themselves. No one wants that. It is okay from time to time to talk about your service, but remember that to really be recognized you need to offer value to those reading your tweets. Post stories, thoughts, and inspiring quotes.
4.) Don't be corporate
The days of the nameless faceless companies are gone. And good riddance. Today people don't want that third person nonsense, they want connections and emotions.
Here is an example. Instead of tweeting: “St. Louis Balloon Artist at Chick-Fil-A on Olive from 5-7.”
Tweet: “I can't wait to be at Chick-fil-a on Olive tonight. The families and staff are a blast! I'm there from 5-7 if you get a chance to swing by.”
5.) Speak don't yell
When I first got on twitter I made stupid mistakes like all those above. The biggest I made was that I set up an automated welcome tweet. And of course it was all about me.
For those that don't know an automated welcome is when you set up your account using a twitter application to send a tweet to people when they first follow you. A lot of folks do it (especially companies) but it really does get annoying.
Instead of the automated tweet I suggest looking at your followers' accounts and replying to something in a personal manner.
Well those are a few tips to get started. I'll be expanding on this a lot more at FLOAT for anyone interested. And you know you're always welcome to e-mail me.
John, I'm loving both your courses. It has been a great investment. I've been very profitable in getting my name online and with your help I'm getting great returns offline as well.
I sincerely thank you.
Twistedly yours,
Jason Vaughn
Thanks for sharing these tips Jason. We all really appreciate it!
By the way, you can follow Jason on twitter @HigherHopeDecor and follow me @JohnAbrams1.
- John Abrams
Rebel Entertainer and Big Twit
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Your ideas are amazing!
At the end of each of my blogs and email posts, I ask you to respond. Well, I get lots of amazing Rebel Entertainers emailing me the techniques and methods that they use.
So, in the next few posts, I’m going to share with you some of the terrific ideas that other entertainers have shared with me.
The first of this series was sent to me by Chris McDaniel ( We were talking about searching the internet for your name and finding photos, newspaper clippings and such.
Here’s what Chris had to say:
Hey John,
Speaking of this, did you know you can do a Google alert on whatever
you want to regularly search. And anytime that combination of words
comes up, you get an email on it.
It's automatic.
I have Chris McDaniel on Google alert. And sure, I have to go through quite a few
'Chris Thompson and Sally McDaniel' or other Chris McDaniels who are
out there, but I've found LOTS of things about me that I would have missed
without it.
I recommend it highly. Google Alerts rule!
- Chris
Great idea Chris! You can also Google Alert “great party ideas” or any other keyword search that might help you with blog content.
Special thanks to Chris McDaniel for sharing this idea.
P.S. - Oh, I also received a number of entertainer success stories. I’ll be posting those as soon as I can get to it. If you have a great story for me, shoot me an email. I’ll be happy to post that too.
- John Abrams
Rebel Entertainer and Guy That Loves to Share Ideas
So, in the next few posts, I’m going to share with you some of the terrific ideas that other entertainers have shared with me.
The first of this series was sent to me by Chris McDaniel ( We were talking about searching the internet for your name and finding photos, newspaper clippings and such.
Here’s what Chris had to say:
Hey John,
Speaking of this, did you know you can do a Google alert on whatever
you want to regularly search. And anytime that combination of words
comes up, you get an email on it.
It's automatic.
I have Chris McDaniel on Google alert. And sure, I have to go through quite a few
'Chris Thompson and Sally McDaniel' or other Chris McDaniels who are
out there, but I've found LOTS of things about me that I would have missed
without it.
I recommend it highly. Google Alerts rule!
- Chris
Great idea Chris! You can also Google Alert “great party ideas” or any other keyword search that might help you with blog content.
Special thanks to Chris McDaniel for sharing this idea.
P.S. - Oh, I also received a number of entertainer success stories. I’ll be posting those as soon as I can get to it. If you have a great story for me, shoot me an email. I’ll be happy to post that too.
- John Abrams
Rebel Entertainer and Guy That Loves to Share Ideas
Why is Jeff Dunham so famous?
There’s a lot of reasons. First he’s amazingly good at what he does. He’s hilarious. And he’s put together a great act.
But how did he get so famous so fast?
He didn’t.
He’s been doing it for a loooooong time. I first saw Jeff at the Comedy Magic Club in Hermosa Beach some 15 years ago. He was somewhat famous then.
But he now has his own show with signature routines that everyone knows from his Cable special.
What people don’t think about, is that he is a master at MARKETING DURING HIS SHOW. This is where most entertainers fall short.
I recently watched a routine of his on you tube. You all know it. It’s where he’s arguing with Peanut about his name. And over and over he and peanut repeat his name. And then peanut always adds “dot com!”
I counted fourteen (14) times that they said Jeff Dunham. And seven (7) times that peanut said “dot com”. I think there were more.
Do you think that every single person that has seen his show, either live or on tv, remembers his name? The answer, of course, is yes. And how many people went to his website right after the show and joined his fan club?
How do you market during your show?
Well, you can’t steal his routine, but you can certainly figure out interesting ways to say your name throughout your show. You can also simply hang a sign with your name and “dot com” in front of any working “table” that you’re using.
How do you use name recognition?
I welcome your comments.
- John Abrams
Rebel Entertainer “dot com”
P. S. I forgot which Rebel Entertainer reminded me of this, so if it’s you, I want to give you full credit. Email me if it was you.
But how did he get so famous so fast?
He didn’t.
He’s been doing it for a loooooong time. I first saw Jeff at the Comedy Magic Club in Hermosa Beach some 15 years ago. He was somewhat famous then.
But he now has his own show with signature routines that everyone knows from his Cable special.
What people don’t think about, is that he is a master at MARKETING DURING HIS SHOW. This is where most entertainers fall short.
I recently watched a routine of his on you tube. You all know it. It’s where he’s arguing with Peanut about his name. And over and over he and peanut repeat his name. And then peanut always adds “dot com!”
I counted fourteen (14) times that they said Jeff Dunham. And seven (7) times that peanut said “dot com”. I think there were more.
Do you think that every single person that has seen his show, either live or on tv, remembers his name? The answer, of course, is yes. And how many people went to his website right after the show and joined his fan club?
How do you market during your show?
Well, you can’t steal his routine, but you can certainly figure out interesting ways to say your name throughout your show. You can also simply hang a sign with your name and “dot com” in front of any working “table” that you’re using.
How do you use name recognition?
I welcome your comments.
- John Abrams
Rebel Entertainer “dot com”
P. S. I forgot which Rebel Entertainer reminded me of this, so if it’s you, I want to give you full credit. Email me if it was you.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
John's Brand New Coaching Program
Attn: All Children and Family Entertainers
Dear Friend,
I am now accepting ten (10) people - only ten children’s and/or family entertainers that are hungry to take massive action to change the course of their careers. Ten people that are ready to take full control of their career and CREATE and IMPLEMENT a performing and marketing plan that they’ll be happy with for years to come.
You’re a PART-TIME Children’s and/or Family Entertainer, and you’re ready to make that big jump into making your entire living as full-time entertainer…
You’ve been MAKING YOUR LIVING as a Children’s and/or Family Entertainer for years, but don’t feel you’re making the kind of money that you want to, AND you’re ready to take your career to a much higher level…
First, let’s both get on the same page…
A success coach is - A person that’s already done the things that YOU WANT TO DO and is READY, WILLING and HAS THE TOOLS to give YOU so you can succeed.
There’s a reason that my One-On-One Fast Track To Success Coaching Program is only available to children’s/family entertainers. It’s because I’ve been there. I’ve worked the birthdays, the schools, the daycares, the libraries, the city events and just about every type of children and family venue there is. All by choice. I still perform about 400 shows a year and I’m proud as heck to be a children’s entertainer!
AND it’s my goal to help every person that truly has a love of the field to do the same.
A success coach is - A person that’s gonna keep you ON TASK and ON TRACK. One that will hold you accountable to your mission and your purpose. A person that cares that you succeed and will do everything in his power to help you make that happen.
For THIRTEEN (13) WEEKS, I’ll be your very own personal coach. Every contact will be focused on your career and your goals.
Why 13 weeks? It’s simple. This is not a “get rich quick” scheme. You’ll be asked every week to take action. Your progress every week will build upon the progress of the previous week.
I believe that in three months time your career will be on a path that you’ll be thrilled with. You’ll have a system in place for performing and marketing your talents that will last as long you choose.
Here’s how we’ll communicate:
- One 35 Minute Focused Phone Call Each Week - In thirty five minutes we’ll make a plan of action for that week. These plans will include everything from creating or customizing your show, researching new markets, creating innovative marketing material, and much much more. A “Focused” call.
- Fast Action Follow Up - Within minutes of the phone call you’ll receive, via email, the Fast Action Follow Up listing every plan of action that we discussed. This form is invaluable in keeping us “On Task” and on course.
- One Mid Week Pick-Up email - Sometimes we need a little kick in the pants to get ‘er going. I’ll be checking in and seeing how you’re progressing and if you’ve come upon any stumbling blocks.
That’s how the program works.
As you may know, simply talking on the phone and by email may not be enough. If you are one of the ten that get accepted, you‘ll also get…
****Now hold your horses! I understand that for some people this is a big investment. But that’s exactly what it is. An investment.
****SO BEFORE YOU CLICK AWAY, THINK ABOUT THIS: This investment price is less than you would be getting paid for just a couple of additional gigs each month. Only a couple of gigs. In fact, in the markets I work in, it’s less than one.
I understand that you want to make sure that you see RESULTS. After all, that’s the only reason you’d even consider ANY coaching program.
This program is designed to create a SYSTEM for YOU. A performing career that you‘ll be happy with. A lifestyle type of career. Not a couple of shows to pay off a few credit cards.
GUARANTEE #1 - If, after the first phone call, you are not satisfied with the direction that we’re going, I will refund your entire first month fee. No harm, no foul. No additional charges. We’ll still be friends and we‘ll both go on our merry way.
GUARANTEE #2 - You can discontinue after any single month. Once you discontinue, you will not be charged for any unused services.
GUARANTEE #3 - If, after completing this entire program and following my instructions exactly, you still don’t make enough money to cover this investment, I will send you a full refund.
Since I can only take ten (10) people for the program, I’ll need to keep a sharp eye on who applies first and who is qualified. So, as soon you decide, send me an email at
Tell me “I’m ready for your coaching program”. As soon as I receive it, I’ll email you the One-On-One Fast Track Coaching Application. Fill it out and fax it back to me at 714-283-3884 or email it back to the above email address.
IMPORTANT: I can only take the first ten entertainers that send it back and qualify. And I will only be accepting applications three times a year. So send it back to me immediately.
As soon as I get the application, upon verification, I will contact you via email and set up our first coaching call. Your credit card will not be charged the first payment until after you’ve been accepted.
If you are not qualified or you do not get your application in on time, you’ll be put on a waiting list and be the first contacted for the next cycle.
I’m looking forward to working with you and helping you create your own success story.
John Abrams
P.S. Remember, I can only accept ten people. And I’ll only be offering this program three times per year. The next cycle will start around April. So don’t delay. Get yourself on the Fast Track to Success right now.
Take Your Career to the Next Level,
Create A Career That
Exactly Fits The Personal Lifestyle That You Want,
And Finally Make
The Kind of Money You Deserve
John Abrams’ Rebel Entertainers'
Create A Career That
Exactly Fits The Personal Lifestyle That You Want,
And Finally Make
The Kind of Money You Deserve
John Abrams’ Rebel Entertainers'
Dear Friend,
I am now accepting ten (10) people - only ten children’s and/or family entertainers that are hungry to take massive action to change the course of their careers. Ten people that are ready to take full control of their career and CREATE and IMPLEMENT a performing and marketing plan that they’ll be happy with for years to come.
You’re a PART-TIME Children’s and/or Family Entertainer, and you’re ready to make that big jump into making your entire living as full-time entertainer…
You’ve been MAKING YOUR LIVING as a Children’s and/or Family Entertainer for years, but don’t feel you’re making the kind of money that you want to, AND you’re ready to take your career to a much higher level…
First, let’s both get on the same page…
What is a “Success Coach” anyway?
A success coach is - A person that’s already done the things that YOU WANT TO DO and is READY, WILLING and HAS THE TOOLS to give YOU so you can succeed.
There’s a reason that my One-On-One Fast Track To Success Coaching Program is only available to children’s/family entertainers. It’s because I’ve been there. I’ve worked the birthdays, the schools, the daycares, the libraries, the city events and just about every type of children and family venue there is. All by choice. I still perform about 400 shows a year and I’m proud as heck to be a children’s entertainer!
AND it’s my goal to help every person that truly has a love of the field to do the same.
A success coach is - A person that’s gonna keep you ON TASK and ON TRACK. One that will hold you accountable to your mission and your purpose. A person that cares that you succeed and will do everything in his power to help you make that happen.
OK. I’m not gonna beat around the bush with a bunch of marketing hype.
Here’s how the program works:
For THIRTEEN (13) WEEKS, I’ll be your very own personal coach. Every contact will be focused on your career and your goals.
Why 13 weeks? It’s simple. This is not a “get rich quick” scheme. You’ll be asked every week to take action. Your progress every week will build upon the progress of the previous week.
I believe that in three months time your career will be on a path that you’ll be thrilled with. You’ll have a system in place for performing and marketing your talents that will last as long you choose.
Here’s how we’ll communicate:
- One 35 Minute Focused Phone Call Each Week - In thirty five minutes we’ll make a plan of action for that week. These plans will include everything from creating or customizing your show, researching new markets, creating innovative marketing material, and much much more. A “Focused” call.
- Fast Action Follow Up - Within minutes of the phone call you’ll receive, via email, the Fast Action Follow Up listing every plan of action that we discussed. This form is invaluable in keeping us “On Task” and on course.
- One Mid Week Pick-Up email - Sometimes we need a little kick in the pants to get ‘er going. I’ll be checking in and seeing how you’re progressing and if you’ve come upon any stumbling blocks.
That’s how the program works.
Along with the weekly communication,
you’ll also receive these three bonuses bonuses
you’ll also receive these three bonuses bonuses
As you may know, simply talking on the phone and by email may not be enough. If you are one of the ten that get accepted, you‘ll also get…
- A “quick review” of your website - Although I don’t profess to be a website SEO guru, I do know what sells and how to portray your personality on your website. Once we get rolling and have a plan, I’ll do a quick review and suggest any changes that can be made to enhance the site.
- A “quick review” of every marketing piece your sending out - Whether it’s a direct mail piece, a promo DVD, or even an email marketing piece, if you created it while in this program, I’ll want to take a look and help you make it the best it can be.
- A “quick review” of your current show and/or the one that you build using this program (if you’re a twister or face painter, you’re still doing mini “shows”) - You’ve heard the old expression “The show’s the thing”. Well it’s true. Without a good show, ya got nothin’. Subtly (and not so subtly) marketing during your show is one of the key elements of a successful performing career. And don’t worry. I’m not gonna go all Simon Cowell on ya’. I just want to make sure we’re all on the same page.
BUT…This Program is Not For Everybody!
I’ve spoken to a lot of entertainers. And not every one of them is in a place in their life where they’re ready to take on the challenge of attacking their career head on. I’m not interested in wasting your time and I expect that you’ll show me the same courtesy.
I’ve told you what this program is, here's what it is not...
- This is NOT an audio, video or internet course with a few emails thrown in to make you think that I’m doing something - It’s a PERSONAL COACHING PROGRAM. I expect you to pick my brain every single week.
- This is NOT a program where we meet every week and moan about the economy and all other forces that surround us that keep us from succeeding - Yes, we need to find the obstacles and overcome them, but I’m not interested in sitting there listening to someone bitch and moan with no solution.
- This is NOT a program that lingers on and on until you run out of time and patience - I’m not a psychologist and I’m not interested in sucking your pocketbook dry only to see you fall on your face. It’s quick, intensive and effective.
- This is NOT a program that I offer to anybody in the Southern or Central California area - If you’ve read this far and you’re from So Cal, sorry Charlie, but your out of luck. The truth is I still pay my bills by performing in and around Southern and Central California. I don’t need someone else using the tools that I’ve painstakingly gathered over the years to use to compete with me. So if you’re from So Cal, you can stop right now and write me a nasty letter.
You qualify if…
1.) You have a variety art that you are proficient at - Juggling, magic, stilt walking, ventriloquism, balloon twisting, face and body painting, singing, dancing, or any other talent that has intrinsic entertainment value. Remember, you don’t need to be the best, just proficient.
2.) You are most interested in marketing to Children/Family markets - If you’re interested in corporate, cruise ships or any other markets not dealing with Children or Families, I’m probably not your guy. I can only teach what I know. Although marketing 101 can be applied to just about every market, to seriously dominate a market, you’ll need to know the smallest details. Children and Family Entertainers Only Please.
3.) You are at a place in your life where you’re ready and willing to make changes in your career without excuses. ‘Nuff said.
I’ll be honest with you. I didn’t take one of these “How to be a Life Coach” seminars and I’m not interested in any kind of life altering experience. This is about YOUR career.
Here’s how I’ve arranged my career and maybe it’ll give you some insight in the direction we’ll go.
I believe in PERFORMING TO FIT YOUR LIFESTYLE. Like many of you, I started out doing birthdays, company picnics etc... Working every weekend performing three, four, sometimes six and seven shows every weekend. But I missed my family. I have a wife and two kids to look after.
It didn’t fit my lifestyle. I wasn’t the happiest plum in the pie. So I took action. Within 6 months I completely rearranged my marketing and became one of So Cal’s top school entertainers. Now I’m home when my kids get home. I’m there to help with their homework and help my wife with the laundry.
This is Performing to Fit Your Lifestyle. Let’s face it, you’re going to be spending a good portion of each day working (or playing as the case may be). You’ll want to arrange your performing around your own personal life. Everybody should!
I’ve told you what this program is, here's what it is not...
- This is NOT an audio, video or internet course with a few emails thrown in to make you think that I’m doing something - It’s a PERSONAL COACHING PROGRAM. I expect you to pick my brain every single week.
- This is NOT a program where we meet every week and moan about the economy and all other forces that surround us that keep us from succeeding - Yes, we need to find the obstacles and overcome them, but I’m not interested in sitting there listening to someone bitch and moan with no solution.
- This is NOT a program that lingers on and on until you run out of time and patience - I’m not a psychologist and I’m not interested in sucking your pocketbook dry only to see you fall on your face. It’s quick, intensive and effective.
- This is NOT a program that I offer to anybody in the Southern or Central California area - If you’ve read this far and you’re from So Cal, sorry Charlie, but your out of luck. The truth is I still pay my bills by performing in and around Southern and Central California. I don’t need someone else using the tools that I’ve painstakingly gathered over the years to use to compete with me. So if you’re from So Cal, you can stop right now and write me a nasty letter.
You qualify if…
1.) You have a variety art that you are proficient at - Juggling, magic, stilt walking, ventriloquism, balloon twisting, face and body painting, singing, dancing, or any other talent that has intrinsic entertainment value. Remember, you don’t need to be the best, just proficient.
2.) You are most interested in marketing to Children/Family markets - If you’re interested in corporate, cruise ships or any other markets not dealing with Children or Families, I’m probably not your guy. I can only teach what I know. Although marketing 101 can be applied to just about every market, to seriously dominate a market, you’ll need to know the smallest details. Children and Family Entertainers Only Please.
3.) You are at a place in your life where you’re ready and willing to make changes in your career without excuses. ‘Nuff said.
I’ll be honest with you. I didn’t take one of these “How to be a Life Coach” seminars and I’m not interested in any kind of life altering experience. This is about YOUR career.
Here’s how I’ve arranged my career and maybe it’ll give you some insight in the direction we’ll go.
I believe in PERFORMING TO FIT YOUR LIFESTYLE. Like many of you, I started out doing birthdays, company picnics etc... Working every weekend performing three, four, sometimes six and seven shows every weekend. But I missed my family. I have a wife and two kids to look after.
It didn’t fit my lifestyle. I wasn’t the happiest plum in the pie. So I took action. Within 6 months I completely rearranged my marketing and became one of So Cal’s top school entertainers. Now I’m home when my kids get home. I’m there to help with their homework and help my wife with the laundry.
This is Performing to Fit Your Lifestyle. Let’s face it, you’re going to be spending a good portion of each day working (or playing as the case may be). You’ll want to arrange your performing around your own personal life. Everybody should!
Let’s get to it…
The total investment is $497.00 per month for three months.
****Now hold your horses! I understand that for some people this is a big investment. But that’s exactly what it is. An investment.
****SO BEFORE YOU CLICK AWAY, THINK ABOUT THIS: This investment price is less than you would be getting paid for just a couple of additional gigs each month. Only a couple of gigs. In fact, in the markets I work in, it’s less than one.
“How do I know it’ll work?”
“Will it take too much time?
“Will I really make the money I want to make?”
“Will it take too much time?
“Will I really make the money I want to make?”
I understand that you want to make sure that you see RESULTS. After all, that’s the only reason you’d even consider ANY coaching program.
This program is designed to create a SYSTEM for YOU. A performing career that you‘ll be happy with. A lifestyle type of career. Not a couple of shows to pay off a few credit cards.
So here’s my
GUARANTEE #1 - If, after the first phone call, you are not satisfied with the direction that we’re going, I will refund your entire first month fee. No harm, no foul. No additional charges. We’ll still be friends and we‘ll both go on our merry way.
GUARANTEE #2 - You can discontinue after any single month. Once you discontinue, you will not be charged for any unused services.
GUARANTEE #3 - If, after completing this entire program and following my instructions exactly, you still don’t make enough money to cover this investment, I will send you a full refund.
No risk, all the way through the program. It’s that simple.
OK John, I’m ready, how do we get started?
Since I can only take ten (10) people for the program, I’ll need to keep a sharp eye on who applies first and who is qualified. So, as soon you decide, send me an email at
Tell me “I’m ready for your coaching program”. As soon as I receive it, I’ll email you the One-On-One Fast Track Coaching Application. Fill it out and fax it back to me at 714-283-3884 or email it back to the above email address.
IMPORTANT: I can only take the first ten entertainers that send it back and qualify. And I will only be accepting applications three times a year. So send it back to me immediately.
As soon as I get the application, upon verification, I will contact you via email and set up our first coaching call. Your credit card will not be charged the first payment until after you’ve been accepted.
If you are not qualified or you do not get your application in on time, you’ll be put on a waiting list and be the first contacted for the next cycle.
Email me now to make sure you get a spot:
I’m looking forward to working with you and helping you create your own success story.
John Abrams
P.S. Remember, I can only accept ten people. And I’ll only be offering this program three times per year. The next cycle will start around April. So don’t delay. Get yourself on the Fast Track to Success right now.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Google yourself lately?
Pardon the dirty sounding title to this email. But this is something I do about once a month. And you should do.
OK. We’re really not talking about anything outrageous. I’m suggesting that every few months you take a look at the internet for your own listings.
You never know what’s gonna come up. Just the other day I Googled “Magician John Abrams” (me) and I was surprised at what I saw.
Of course, I found out if my websites were getting the ranking that I wanted, but I discovered a lot more. I found web links to newspaper articles that I’ve been in (and didn’t even know it), links to newsletters with my name and all sorts of assorted stuff that I can now use fo
r my own personal promotion.
I put a couple of pics on this blog that I found in a news report that I may or may not use. But at least now I have them.
With everybody carrying around a camera in their phone nowadays, and with Facebook, Twitter, Flickr and all the other social networking sites, you may find a gold mine in promotional photos that are starring you.
Here’s a couple of ideas to get you started.

- Google your Name
- Google your Name plus your art (ie. John Abrams Magician)
- Google your art and city, state or area (ie.. Jugglers in Texas)
- Google your key words (ie. Kids parties in Los Angeles or Corporate Magicians in Talahassee)
You can also search Yahoo, Ask, or any other search engine you can think of.
Remember, if it’s in the news, it’s something you can use.
Oh, P.S. - I’ll be rolling out my coaching program next week. If you’re a children or family entertainer and want to put your career on the fast track, keep your eye out. Well don’t actually keep your eye all the way out, just watch for it.
Have fun.
John Abrams
Rebel Entertainer and Glutton for Publicity
OK. We’re really not talking about anything outrageous. I’m suggesting that every few months you take a look at the internet for your own listings.
You never know what’s gonna come up. Just the other day I Googled “Magician John Abrams” (me) and I was surprised at what I saw.
Of course, I found out if my websites were getting the ranking that I wanted, but I discovered a lot more. I found web links to newspaper articles that I’ve been in (and didn’t even know it), links to newsletters with my name and all sorts of assorted stuff that I can now use fo

I put a couple of pics on this blog that I found in a news report that I may or may not use. But at least now I have them.
With everybody carrying around a camera in their phone nowadays, and with Facebook, Twitter, Flickr and all the other social networking sites, you may find a gold mine in promotional photos that are starring you.
Here’s a couple of ideas to get you started.

- Google your Name
- Google your Name plus your art (ie. John Abrams Magician)
- Google your art and city, state or area (ie.. Jugglers in Texas)
- Google your key words (ie. Kids parties in Los Angeles or Corporate Magicians in Talahassee)
You can also search Yahoo, Ask, or any other search engine you can think of.
Remember, if it’s in the news, it’s something you can use.
Oh, P.S. - I’ll be rolling out my coaching program next week. If you’re a children or family entertainer and want to put your career on the fast track, keep your eye out. Well don’t actually keep your eye all the way out, just watch for it.
Have fun.
John Abrams
Rebel Entertainer and Glutton for Publicity
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Are your clients Rock Stars?
How do you get your clients to hire you back again year after year? There are many ways including reminders, follow up phone calls etc… but here’s a sure fire plan to get them to remember you.
Here are five quick ways to do it.
1.) Make booking, set up, follow up material etc. so easy, that they literally don’t have to lift a finger.
2.) Recognize the person that hired you or the VIP of the event during the show. Something like “Did you all have a good time!? Well, I’d like to thank Joe Smith for bringing me here today so we could have such a great time. Let’s give Joe a Hip Hip (Horray), Hip Hip (Hooray!)…” (NOTE: For line twisters and face painters, make sure to send some of your happy customers over to the VIP to thank him/her personally)
3.) Follow up the very next day with a phone call to make sure everything went as planned
4.) Have a small gift for the person that hired you BEFORE the show (hand it to them) and AFTER (by mail)
5.) Have a dynamic entertaining show (should go without saying. But there, I said it)
Do these things work?
Here’s an email I just received from the PTA President of a school I performed at a couple of weeks ago that prompted me to write this blog.
“Thank you for two great assemblies. Everyone thinks that I’m a rock star and I didn’t even do any of the work. Thanks again for making my job easy.”
Think they’ll come back? I’m gonna do everything in my power to make sure of it.
Now, what else can you do to treat your clients like a rock star?
I welcome your comments.
Rebel Entertainer and Guy That Treats His Clients Like Rock Stars
Here are five quick ways to do it.
1.) Make booking, set up, follow up material etc. so easy, that they literally don’t have to lift a finger.
2.) Recognize the person that hired you or the VIP of the event during the show. Something like “Did you all have a good time!? Well, I’d like to thank Joe Smith for bringing me here today so we could have such a great time. Let’s give Joe a Hip Hip (Horray), Hip Hip (Hooray!)…” (NOTE: For line twisters and face painters, make sure to send some of your happy customers over to the VIP to thank him/her personally)
3.) Follow up the very next day with a phone call to make sure everything went as planned
4.) Have a small gift for the person that hired you BEFORE the show (hand it to them) and AFTER (by mail)
5.) Have a dynamic entertaining show (should go without saying. But there, I said it)
Do these things work?
Here’s an email I just received from the PTA President of a school I performed at a couple of weeks ago that prompted me to write this blog.
“Thank you for two great assemblies. Everyone thinks that I’m a rock star and I didn’t even do any of the work. Thanks again for making my job easy.”
Think they’ll come back? I’m gonna do everything in my power to make sure of it.
Now, what else can you do to treat your clients like a rock star?
I welcome your comments.
Rebel Entertainer and Guy That Treats His Clients Like Rock Stars
Monday, November 9, 2009
The Story of Charm and Happy
Here's Carmen Tellez's fascinating story... written by Carmen in her own words...
One April afternoon, a friend of mine visited me at Avenue Press in Downey, CA. I worked as the Desktop Publisher at this print shop.
My friend Edgar (Eggo the Clown) asked if I would help him at his next gig by face painting the children's faces. I kindly declined letting him know "No offense, but I don't like clowns".
He convinced me that he was a friendly clown as I have only seen & known him "out of make up", so there was nothing to be concerned about. He said "Plus, I already bought the make-up paint and the kids would be so disappointed if I didn't go".
I let him know that I can draw a little, but never painted faces before. He assured me that I would do just fine. I believed him.
I gathered a few thrift store colorful clothes to create a homemade version of a clown helpers outfit. Looked pretty darned good too.
At that first party April of 1994, I saw Egoo and thought "Oh My! He does need help". He didn’t have an actual costume or clown looking get-up at all.
His running shoes were dirty, He wore 80's style beach pants, a t-shirt with suspenders and his make-up looked scary. He had a beat up cardboard box and had written "Clown Stuff" on it with a sharpie. Aaaaaaagh!
So I sort of played the soft friendly clown helper. The kids had a great time, but the look on the parents faces were to be noted.
During the next few days, I went to the local library to read what a "real clown" is supposed to do and look like. Found a video featuring Frosty Little (Master Clown) of Ringling Brothers Barnum & Bailey Circus titled "Behind the Red Nose".
This video was actually for children to understand how to be a clown in the circus but it was just what I needed.
I became infatuated with learning how to be a clown so I could help my friend. I instead ended up helping myself! For just a few short months later, Eggo the clown decided not to continue his 2 year part time business of entertaining for children's parties.
He was giving his customers MY phone number!
This prompted me to get my drivers license so I could drive to my first party all the way to La Mirada. Boy was I scared. I talked my slightly younger brother into going with me.
That was the first & LAST time he dressed as a clown, but continued to assist me for several other parties until the year 2000. In that time my 7 year old sister started working with me most regularly thus becoming "Charm and Happy Clowns 4 all!"
A couple of clowns Yo-Yo & Yo-Ya called me one day to help them start a clown club. We did. A group of about 15 local clowns to date still keep in touch and remained the very best of clown friends all these years after learning from each other and genuinely enjoying each others company and growth in the clown business.
I wish I could remember the club name. It no longer exists for we all just got so busy. I believe it was called "Pueblo de Payasitos Latinos - Latin Clowny Town".
At Grant Rea Park in Montebello, CA,, a clown named Doodle approached me after my show. She asked if I was hiring. Heh! I was flattered that someone thought I had a business doing well enough to ask if I was hiring.
I did end up hiring her, her boyfriend, her cousin and a few more clowns she knew. CharmandHappy was literally turning down so much work that hiring these new clown workers made sense now.
After years of saving money to start my own Graphics House business, I was able to buy equipment for my home office and accept side jobs creating Desktop Publishing now called "Graphic Arts". I thought since I was creating magazines, ads, flyers, forms, logos and the like for customers, then heck, why not use these same efforts to start my own Clown business. I was getting hired EVERY weekend and was interested in expanding. I started making much, much, much more money with my part-time clowning business then my full time job.
In 1998, now online, went full time with a business license, insurance, regular clients & approx. $30,000 in a savings account.
After looking at several listings for clowns, party planners and family entertainers in the yellow pages, church bulletins, newspapers, local circulations & magazines, I decided that I wanted to be where the "Big Dogs" were.
So I began to INVEST some of my savings into advertising so I could keep not only myself busy, but my new team busy EVERY weekend. Worked like a Charm!
***But what worked best was good old fashioned footwork. At Jungle Solutions, a real estate marketing printshop firm, I learned how real estate agents set themselves apart from the general real estate agent. Mostly, those clients just had to have really big egos, but they pushed "Personality",rather than "real estate".
*** At Dominoes Pizza, located in Pico Rivera, CA (one of my first teenage jobs), I learned that for every pizza delivery, the driver would take a coupon and deliver it to a customer, then also one house to the left and one house to the right to help triple odds of new &repeat clients.
***At Sir Speedy Printing located in Commerce, CA, I learned that if there was a job that we did not or could not complete "in-house", then we worked with a trustworthy company who could, so we could still provide the service for the client and make a small profit as well.
***Visiting and talking to workers, owners, managers at party shops, bakeries, pre-schools, flower shops, children's clothing, etc. helped to get the flow of referrals to CharmandHappy better than expected.
That was the basis of how "CharmandHappy" began to grow. By accepting reservations not only for clowns, but for other forms of Party entertainment like pony rides, jumpers, reptile presentations, online party goods, personalized photo birthday buttons, etc.
What I did not plan or expect was the lack of dedication & work moral some hired help displayed. Calling in last minute or not at all. This caused GREAT turmoil for my client & myself as I did what I could to rectify certain situations.
Since being online and getting orders now nationwide, it was hard to determine one’s dedication. After a few mishaps so to speak, I re-evaluated the purpose and goals for CharmandHappy.
The end result was I wanted Qualified, Skilled & Dedicated team members. Even though I made a ton of money, I had to make the choice to release & never again hire several team members. I didn't care that I'd make less financially. I cared more about the CharmandHappy reputation and client satisfaction much more.
To date, I still attend workshops, conventions, read books, watch dvd's to help me to continue my growth as a business person and a family entertainer. My focus for the last several years has been developing myself into a "Specialty Artist Entertainer". To feature the best of what I can offer.
I'm not actually the best at any of them, but I try my best and my clients recognize, appreciate & keep calling as well as referring others.
That's my story & I'm sticking to it!
- Artist Entertainer with a Twist of Charm -
877-725-6967 office
562-237-3327 cell
Face Painter - Balloon Artist
Whittier (Los Angeles) CA
Edited by John Abrams
One April afternoon, a friend of mine visited me at Avenue Press in Downey, CA. I worked as the Desktop Publisher at this print shop.
My friend Edgar (Eggo the Clown) asked if I would help him at his next gig by face painting the children's faces. I kindly declined letting him know "No offense, but I don't like clowns".
He convinced me that he was a friendly clown as I have only seen & known him "out of make up", so there was nothing to be concerned about. He said "Plus, I already bought the make-up paint and the kids would be so disappointed if I didn't go".
I let him know that I can draw a little, but never painted faces before. He assured me that I would do just fine. I believed him.
I gathered a few thrift store colorful clothes to create a homemade version of a clown helpers outfit. Looked pretty darned good too.
At that first party April of 1994, I saw Egoo and thought "Oh My! He does need help". He didn’t have an actual costume or clown looking get-up at all.
His running shoes were dirty, He wore 80's style beach pants, a t-shirt with suspenders and his make-up looked scary. He had a beat up cardboard box and had written "Clown Stuff" on it with a sharpie. Aaaaaaagh!
So I sort of played the soft friendly clown helper. The kids had a great time, but the look on the parents faces were to be noted.
During the next few days, I went to the local library to read what a "real clown" is supposed to do and look like. Found a video featuring Frosty Little (Master Clown) of Ringling Brothers Barnum & Bailey Circus titled "Behind the Red Nose".
This video was actually for children to understand how to be a clown in the circus but it was just what I needed.
I became infatuated with learning how to be a clown so I could help my friend. I instead ended up helping myself! For just a few short months later, Eggo the clown decided not to continue his 2 year part time business of entertaining for children's parties.
He was giving his customers MY phone number!
This prompted me to get my drivers license so I could drive to my first party all the way to La Mirada. Boy was I scared. I talked my slightly younger brother into going with me.
That was the first & LAST time he dressed as a clown, but continued to assist me for several other parties until the year 2000. In that time my 7 year old sister started working with me most regularly thus becoming "Charm and Happy Clowns 4 all!"
A couple of clowns Yo-Yo & Yo-Ya called me one day to help them start a clown club. We did. A group of about 15 local clowns to date still keep in touch and remained the very best of clown friends all these years after learning from each other and genuinely enjoying each others company and growth in the clown business.
I wish I could remember the club name. It no longer exists for we all just got so busy. I believe it was called "Pueblo de Payasitos Latinos - Latin Clowny Town".
At Grant Rea Park in Montebello, CA,, a clown named Doodle approached me after my show. She asked if I was hiring. Heh! I was flattered that someone thought I had a business doing well enough to ask if I was hiring.
I did end up hiring her, her boyfriend, her cousin and a few more clowns she knew. CharmandHappy was literally turning down so much work that hiring these new clown workers made sense now.
After years of saving money to start my own Graphics House business, I was able to buy equipment for my home office and accept side jobs creating Desktop Publishing now called "Graphic Arts". I thought since I was creating magazines, ads, flyers, forms, logos and the like for customers, then heck, why not use these same efforts to start my own Clown business. I was getting hired EVERY weekend and was interested in expanding. I started making much, much, much more money with my part-time clowning business then my full time job.
In 1998, now online, went full time with a business license, insurance, regular clients & approx. $30,000 in a savings account.
After looking at several listings for clowns, party planners and family entertainers in the yellow pages, church bulletins, newspapers, local circulations & magazines, I decided that I wanted to be where the "Big Dogs" were.
So I began to INVEST some of my savings into advertising so I could keep not only myself busy, but my new team busy EVERY weekend. Worked like a Charm!
***But what worked best was good old fashioned footwork. At Jungle Solutions, a real estate marketing printshop firm, I learned how real estate agents set themselves apart from the general real estate agent. Mostly, those clients just had to have really big egos, but they pushed "Personality",rather than "real estate".
*** At Dominoes Pizza, located in Pico Rivera, CA (one of my first teenage jobs), I learned that for every pizza delivery, the driver would take a coupon and deliver it to a customer, then also one house to the left and one house to the right to help triple odds of new &repeat clients.
***At Sir Speedy Printing located in Commerce, CA, I learned that if there was a job that we did not or could not complete "in-house", then we worked with a trustworthy company who could, so we could still provide the service for the client and make a small profit as well.
***Visiting and talking to workers, owners, managers at party shops, bakeries, pre-schools, flower shops, children's clothing, etc. helped to get the flow of referrals to CharmandHappy better than expected.
That was the basis of how "CharmandHappy" began to grow. By accepting reservations not only for clowns, but for other forms of Party entertainment like pony rides, jumpers, reptile presentations, online party goods, personalized photo birthday buttons, etc.
What I did not plan or expect was the lack of dedication & work moral some hired help displayed. Calling in last minute or not at all. This caused GREAT turmoil for my client & myself as I did what I could to rectify certain situations.
Since being online and getting orders now nationwide, it was hard to determine one’s dedication. After a few mishaps so to speak, I re-evaluated the purpose and goals for CharmandHappy.
The end result was I wanted Qualified, Skilled & Dedicated team members. Even though I made a ton of money, I had to make the choice to release & never again hire several team members. I didn't care that I'd make less financially. I cared more about the CharmandHappy reputation and client satisfaction much more.
To date, I still attend workshops, conventions, read books, watch dvd's to help me to continue my growth as a business person and a family entertainer. My focus for the last several years has been developing myself into a "Specialty Artist Entertainer". To feature the best of what I can offer.
I'm not actually the best at any of them, but I try my best and my clients recognize, appreciate & keep calling as well as referring others.
That's my story & I'm sticking to it!
- Artist Entertainer with a Twist of Charm -
877-725-6967 office
562-237-3327 cell
Face Painter - Balloon Artist
Whittier (Los Angeles) CA
Edited by John Abrams
Times, they are a changin'
If you're not taking advantage of the social media networking sites (twitter, facebook, youtube, etc), you're about to miss the boat.
I'm not talking about the fun and frolicking Carnival cruise. I'm talking about the next wave in marketing. It's here. Right now.
If you don't believe me, here are the stats:
- There are over 75 million videos on youtube. Youtube is now watched more than ABC, CBS, ABC and FOX combined
- People 19 - 34 years old (the prime buying demographic) spend more time on social media networking sites than on TV, Radio & Newspapers COMBINED.
Facebook is huge. People are still trying to figure out "why twitter", but don't let that fool you. It is catching on.
These sites will come and go. But right now they're killing radio and TV advertising. Add the advent of TIVO/DVR and the fall of your local and national newspapers, you're talking about having to completely re-invent how people get their message out.
A few weeks ago I sent out a 4 part course on marketing with Facebook. Take it seriously. Social networking sites are here to stay! (at least until the next shiny thing comes along)
And yes, you'll notice that I've listed my social networking sites after my signature. You're welcome to friend me or follow me, but more importantly, I'd like to see you listing yours.
P.S. If you liked this blog, be sure to comment. It really helps me if you give me your feedback.
- John Abrams
Rebel Entertainer and Guy that's becoming more and more social every day!
Friend me on
Twitter @johnabrams1
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Teri Stokes - How’d she book 67 shows in one day?
Last week I wrote to you about taking massive action and asked what you had done. Well, I got quite a few people telling me what they had recently done to drum up business in this “glass half empty“ economy.
By far, the most impressive was Teri Stokes AKA Happy Heart the Clown. Everything she did was a great lesson in marketing and making money with a very small investment.
Here’s what she wrote and what she did (edited):
“You rock as always, John. Last Thursday I bought a table at a taste of the town and handed out 300 cards.
I won the decorating contest. Received an award and a plaque by City of Houston Mayor’s office.
Picture will be in paper.
Booked a kids night at a Country Club (monthly). Booked one more night at a different Chick-Fila (weekly) and a few more events.
I guess it’s worth it to show off once in while (you asked ). Oh yeah and having a blast.
One thing I wish I would of done instead of handing out cards is hand out coupons for a percentage off. I didn’t think of it ‘till I was at the venue.
Glad you are back,
Terrific work Teri!!! If you add up the 12 monthly gigs plus the 52 weekly plus a few mixed extras mixed in, that equals at least 67 shows. All booked in one day.
And by the way, this doesn’t even count the many referrals you’ll get by promoting yourself at these gigs.
Great job.
John Abrams
Rebel Entertainer and Guy That is Inspired by Other’s Work
Twitter: @johnabrams1
By far, the most impressive was Teri Stokes AKA Happy Heart the Clown. Everything she did was a great lesson in marketing and making money with a very small investment.
Here’s what she wrote and what she did (edited):
“You rock as always, John. Last Thursday I bought a table at a taste of the town and handed out 300 cards.
I won the decorating contest. Received an award and a plaque by City of Houston Mayor’s office.
Picture will be in paper.
Booked a kids night at a Country Club (monthly). Booked one more night at a different Chick-Fila (weekly) and a few more events.
I guess it’s worth it to show off once in while (you asked ). Oh yeah and having a blast.
One thing I wish I would of done instead of handing out cards is hand out coupons for a percentage off. I didn’t think of it ‘till I was at the venue.
Glad you are back,
Terrific work Teri!!! If you add up the 12 monthly gigs plus the 52 weekly plus a few mixed extras mixed in, that equals at least 67 shows. All booked in one day.
And by the way, this doesn’t even count the many referrals you’ll get by promoting yourself at these gigs.
Great job.
John Abrams
Rebel Entertainer and Guy That is Inspired by Other’s Work
Twitter: @johnabrams1
Friday, August 21, 2009
Oh Crud, I lost My Snake!
A couple of weeks ago, I came back from a weekend in Vegas. Only to discover that my Snake had escaped!
Ok. I hear you snickering. It's the Ball Python that I use in one of my shows. I'm in the middle of a 100 show summer, and one of the stars of the shows is missing.
Ok. Go to plan B - The Bunny. Not as high of an impact, but has the awe factor.
Then, a few days ago, I'm driving to San Diego for a couple of shows and realized that I didn't have a couple of props.
Ok. Go to plan B - Use toilet paper for Dove appearance.
Last week at a Library show, the librarian told me that he (yes, a man librarian - I shall call him a libariman) needed me to shorten the show by 10 minutes.
Ok. Go to plan B - Take out the tortoise trick.
Do you have a plan B for all of your routines? What if you'd forgotten props or had to shorten or lengthen the show? Do you have enough material ready? Can you cut something without ruining the structure of your show?
I used to always keep a little case with a couple of sets of all my parishable props. I do again now. Not a bad idea.
Are you prepared? If not, take a look at all your routines and come up with Plan B.
Also, I'd love to hear your stories of how you McGyvered your show.
Oh, I know you're wondering... I did find her and she's safe and sound in her heated snake condo.
Rebel Entertainer and The Man With The Plan
Ok. I hear you snickering. It's the Ball Python that I use in one of my shows. I'm in the middle of a 100 show summer, and one of the stars of the shows is missing.
Ok. Go to plan B - The Bunny. Not as high of an impact, but has the awe factor.
Then, a few days ago, I'm driving to San Diego for a couple of shows and realized that I didn't have a couple of props.
Ok. Go to plan B - Use toilet paper for Dove appearance.
Last week at a Library show, the librarian told me that he (yes, a man librarian - I shall call him a libariman) needed me to shorten the show by 10 minutes.
Ok. Go to plan B - Take out the tortoise trick.
Do you have a plan B for all of your routines? What if you'd forgotten props or had to shorten or lengthen the show? Do you have enough material ready? Can you cut something without ruining the structure of your show?
I used to always keep a little case with a couple of sets of all my parishable props. I do again now. Not a bad idea.
Are you prepared? If not, take a look at all your routines and come up with Plan B.
Also, I'd love to hear your stories of how you McGyvered your show.
Oh, I know you're wondering... I did find her and she's safe and sound in her heated snake condo.
Rebel Entertainer and The Man With The Plan
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
The Art of Repitition
I was driving down the 91 freeway on my way home from a show, and saw something very different. It was a billboard for the Lapband. I guess it's some kind of weight loss surgery or something. I'm not sure and I really don't care.
BUT, here's the odd thing. There wasn't just one sign. There were three huge billboards. Of the exact same sign. The EXACT SAME. One right after the other.
It caught my eye not because it was a good billboard, but because there were three of 'em.
Then, this weekend, I was in Vegas and I noticed the same thing. Giant billboards advertising the exact same act. One billboard right next to another right next to another. Three in a row.
Then, driving back from Vegas (a torturous, traffic packed 8 hour durge that should have only taken about 4 hours), there were signs that advertised Alien Jerky.
I think I've written about that before.It starts out "Alien Jerky 50 miles". Then the next "Alien Jerky 30 miles" then "10 miles" then "Next exit". Well you gotta stop and get yourself some Alien Jerky!
It's the art of repetition. If you're not using it in your marketing, then you're not marketing right!
Here are a few ways to do it:
-Three or four letter campaigns
-Three ads exactly the same in a magazine
-Three separate thank you cards
People don't always respond to one single contact. The more you contact someone, the more they'll respond. In fact, it'll increase your response rate exponentially.
What other ways can you use The Art of Repitition? I'd like to hear YOUR ideas. I've started a discussion on my Rebel Entertainers Facebook Fan Page. Check it out and join in with your own.
Rebel Entertainer
Rebel Entertainer
Rebel Entertainer
Subscribe to These Free Tips By Clicking Here
BUT, here's the odd thing. There wasn't just one sign. There were three huge billboards. Of the exact same sign. The EXACT SAME. One right after the other.
It caught my eye not because it was a good billboard, but because there were three of 'em.
Then, this weekend, I was in Vegas and I noticed the same thing. Giant billboards advertising the exact same act. One billboard right next to another right next to another. Three in a row.
Then, driving back from Vegas (a torturous, traffic packed 8 hour durge that should have only taken about 4 hours), there were signs that advertised Alien Jerky.
I think I've written about that before.It starts out "Alien Jerky 50 miles". Then the next "Alien Jerky 30 miles" then "10 miles" then "Next exit". Well you gotta stop and get yourself some Alien Jerky!
It's the art of repetition. If you're not using it in your marketing, then you're not marketing right!
Here are a few ways to do it:
-Three or four letter campaigns
-Three ads exactly the same in a magazine
-Three separate thank you cards
People don't always respond to one single contact. The more you contact someone, the more they'll respond. In fact, it'll increase your response rate exponentially.
What other ways can you use The Art of Repitition? I'd like to hear YOUR ideas. I've started a discussion on my Rebel Entertainers Facebook Fan Page. Check it out and join in with your own.
Rebel Entertainer
Rebel Entertainer
Rebel Entertainer
Subscribe to These Free Tips By Clicking Here
Thursday, July 23, 2009
You Can BITCH and MOAN About The Economy When...
One of my pet peeves is the darn media incessantly Bitching and Moaning and droaning on and on about the state of the economy. Daily stats on unemployement. Minute by minute reports on why the stimulus packages isn‘t working. Weekly griping about CEOs still taking huge bonuses. ENOUGH!
Well, as the lead Rebel Entertainer and someone who is always thinking of every possible way to keep ahead of this “new economy”, I thought I’d give you license to Bitch and Moan. You read that right. I am officially giving you license to bitch and moan about the economy.
BUT... you have to meet some qualifications. Here they are:
You can bitch and moan about the economy if....
You’ve created and implemented a 5 - 10 step email campaign for anybody who visits your website or requests info about your services.
You can bitch and moan about the economy if....
You’ve contacted all CURRENT customers at least 3 times in the last three months by email, mail or phone.
You can bitch and moan about the economy if....
You’ve contacted all PAST and DEAD customers to find out why they left and see if they are in need of your services now.
You can bitch and moan about the economy if....
You’ve created a new show or brand new services that you can present to your current and new customers.
You can bitch and moan about the economy if....
You’ve started an entire new campaign either through direct mail or website or magazine ads or Facebook or Twitter and every other media you can think of to get NEW customers.
You can bitch and moan about the economy if....
You’ve contacted all agents and party planners around your area.
You can bitch and moan about the economy if....
You’ve attended every convention and expo within your target market.
You can bitch and moan about the economy if....
You’ve become a member of your local Chamber of Commerce and contacted every business in the Chamber about your services
You can bitch and moan about the economy if....
You’re blogging regularly to your target market.
OK. If you’ve taken every single one of these actions and you’re still struggling with making money in this economy, then you are officially licensed to Bitch and Moan.
- John
Rebel Entertainer and Official Licenser of The Bitchers and Moaners
Well, as the lead Rebel Entertainer and someone who is always thinking of every possible way to keep ahead of this “new economy”, I thought I’d give you license to Bitch and Moan. You read that right. I am officially giving you license to bitch and moan about the economy.
BUT... you have to meet some qualifications. Here they are:
You can bitch and moan about the economy if....
You’ve created and implemented a 5 - 10 step email campaign for anybody who visits your website or requests info about your services.
You can bitch and moan about the economy if....
You’ve contacted all CURRENT customers at least 3 times in the last three months by email, mail or phone.
You can bitch and moan about the economy if....
You’ve contacted all PAST and DEAD customers to find out why they left and see if they are in need of your services now.
You can bitch and moan about the economy if....
You’ve created a new show or brand new services that you can present to your current and new customers.
You can bitch and moan about the economy if....
You’ve started an entire new campaign either through direct mail or website or magazine ads or Facebook or Twitter and every other media you can think of to get NEW customers.
You can bitch and moan about the economy if....
You’ve contacted all agents and party planners around your area.
You can bitch and moan about the economy if....
You’ve attended every convention and expo within your target market.
You can bitch and moan about the economy if....
You’ve become a member of your local Chamber of Commerce and contacted every business in the Chamber about your services
You can bitch and moan about the economy if....
You’re blogging regularly to your target market.
OK. If you’ve taken every single one of these actions and you’re still struggling with making money in this economy, then you are officially licensed to Bitch and Moan.
- John
Rebel Entertainer and Official Licenser of The Bitchers and Moaners
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Michael Jackson and Me...
I was a 9 year old boy living in Los Angeles. My parents had just gotten divorced and my Mom was dating a new guy that was soon to be my evil stepfather.
Mom came to me and my brothers with news that we were going to Las Vegas for some wild fun.
Back then Vegas was different. It wasn't as family friendly as it is now. It was a different world.
I was excited about seeing the flash and dazzle of Vegas. We drove for about five hours and, then, in the middle of desert, the sky was completely lit up.
I imagined the Pleasure Island that was portrayed in Pinocchio. Adventure, games, and a bit of mischief was just over the horizon.
We arrived and checked into the hotel. Within minutes, my Mom and soon-to-be step dad hustled us out of the room, took us down the elevator, and introduced us to a small room in the basement of the hotel.
This was the room that all the parents left their kids while Mom & Dad gambled.
My brothers and I spent three days, off and on, in that playroom. It was fun, but it certainly wasn't what I had imagined.
After three days, we were in our hotel room and my Mom and "soon-to-be" walked in. They were giggly and laughy and broke the news to us. The "soon to be" was now a real live step dad.
They had married late that night.
I was shocked and confused and happy and sad and jealous and angry and excited all at once.
That night they broke some other news to us. News that I didn't realize at the time, would affect me just as profoundly.
To celebrate the new nuptials, we were gonna see this group called The Jackson Five. I didn't know who they were (heck, I was nine). I didn't know who Michael Jackson was. I had never been to a concert. I had never even seen the inside of a Vegas showroom before. THIS WAS EXCITING.
I was told to put on my best clothes. They led us down that same elevator. But this time, we walked through the casino. Lights, slots, money jingling, people cheering.
We walked into the showroom. Everybody was dressed to the nines. We sat in a luxurious red velvet booth that sat our whole family. We all ordered drinks. I had my first Rob Roy (like a Shirley Temple for boys). I felt like the prince of Las Vegas.
There was a full band. Drums, electric guitars, keyboards, strings, the whole magilla.
Then the music started. I don't know if it was the sugar from the Rob Roy or whether it really was as amazing as I imagined. But, there, unfolding right in front of my very eyes, was the most spectacular thing I had ever seen.
Four guys, doing things that I never imagined. Singing, dancing, fun, funny, flash and dazzle.
Then the big voice came over the loud speaker "Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome, little Michael Jackson". The crowd went wild.
Out came a fourteen year old Michael. Singing songs that I KNEW! Songs I had heard on the radio. I'll Be There, ABC, Rockin' Robin. Moving in ways that I didn't know was possible. He humbled the talent of the rest of his family.
For the next two hours I was transfixed. Every problem, concern, worry and every bit of uncertainty melted away. For those two hours there was nothing else in the world that mattered.
At the end of the performance I knew. I knew that there was nothing else in the world that would be worthy of doing. I knew that I had to be an entertainer. I had to do what they were doing.
Well, life went on. The guy my Mom married turned into a nightmare. I moved out to live with my real Dad and my brothers moved away to live my grandparents.
But I never forgot that one night. The night that Michael Jackson made me feel safe and secure in knowing my own future.
I can only hope that someday a child will see my own show, be inspired and walk out secure in their own future.
Rebel Entertainer
Mom came to me and my brothers with news that we were going to Las Vegas for some wild fun.
Back then Vegas was different. It wasn't as family friendly as it is now. It was a different world.
I was excited about seeing the flash and dazzle of Vegas. We drove for about five hours and, then, in the middle of desert, the sky was completely lit up.
I imagined the Pleasure Island that was portrayed in Pinocchio. Adventure, games, and a bit of mischief was just over the horizon.
We arrived and checked into the hotel. Within minutes, my Mom and soon-to-be step dad hustled us out of the room, took us down the elevator, and introduced us to a small room in the basement of the hotel.
This was the room that all the parents left their kids while Mom & Dad gambled.
My brothers and I spent three days, off and on, in that playroom. It was fun, but it certainly wasn't what I had imagined.
After three days, we were in our hotel room and my Mom and "soon-to-be" walked in. They were giggly and laughy and broke the news to us. The "soon to be" was now a real live step dad.
They had married late that night.
I was shocked and confused and happy and sad and jealous and angry and excited all at once.
That night they broke some other news to us. News that I didn't realize at the time, would affect me just as profoundly.
To celebrate the new nuptials, we were gonna see this group called The Jackson Five. I didn't know who they were (heck, I was nine). I didn't know who Michael Jackson was. I had never been to a concert. I had never even seen the inside of a Vegas showroom before. THIS WAS EXCITING.
I was told to put on my best clothes. They led us down that same elevator. But this time, we walked through the casino. Lights, slots, money jingling, people cheering.
We walked into the showroom. Everybody was dressed to the nines. We sat in a luxurious red velvet booth that sat our whole family. We all ordered drinks. I had my first Rob Roy (like a Shirley Temple for boys). I felt like the prince of Las Vegas.
There was a full band. Drums, electric guitars, keyboards, strings, the whole magilla.
Then the music started. I don't know if it was the sugar from the Rob Roy or whether it really was as amazing as I imagined. But, there, unfolding right in front of my very eyes, was the most spectacular thing I had ever seen.
Four guys, doing things that I never imagined. Singing, dancing, fun, funny, flash and dazzle.
Then the big voice came over the loud speaker "Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome, little Michael Jackson". The crowd went wild.
Out came a fourteen year old Michael. Singing songs that I KNEW! Songs I had heard on the radio. I'll Be There, ABC, Rockin' Robin. Moving in ways that I didn't know was possible. He humbled the talent of the rest of his family.
For the next two hours I was transfixed. Every problem, concern, worry and every bit of uncertainty melted away. For those two hours there was nothing else in the world that mattered.
At the end of the performance I knew. I knew that there was nothing else in the world that would be worthy of doing. I knew that I had to be an entertainer. I had to do what they were doing.
Well, life went on. The guy my Mom married turned into a nightmare. I moved out to live with my real Dad and my brothers moved away to live my grandparents.
But I never forgot that one night. The night that Michael Jackson made me feel safe and secure in knowing my own future.
I can only hope that someday a child will see my own show, be inspired and walk out secure in their own future.
Rebel Entertainer
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Lucky Schmucky!
"Shallow people believe in luck. Wise & strong people believe in cause and effect"
Ralph Waldo Emerson
After a 3-show day, I was at a party talking to a friend of mine that was (and sometimes still is) a drummer in a band. He’d never made his living as a musician and settled for working landscaping to pay his bills. I’ll get to that in a minute.
He remembered that a couple of years ago I was writing a course on “How to make money performing”. He asked how it was going.
Well, I told him that I finished it a while back and that there are a number folks finally making their living performing when they thought it was impossible.
I also told him that these people were realizing that anybody with a little talent and a commitment to succeed could make their living in their art. All they needed was the marketing to it.
Then he said something that just pissed me off….
He said “Yeah, but didn’t you just get lucky?”
He was referring to my Animal Magic Show. He was suggesting that I just “got lucky” when I put it together and starting making MY living as an entertainer.
I thought to myself Yeah…
It was lucky that I put together a show that kids and parents love.
It was lucky that I studied all the great marketers for hours on end (and still do) to try and figure out how to sell my show.
It was lucky that I put an ad in the yellow pages (no internet back then) that booked tons of gigs.
It was lucky that I created a direct mail campaign that helped me dominate market after market.
It was lucky that I created another show just as successful as Animal Magic for a completely different market.
It was lucky that I created 2 completely separate websites that booked way more shows!
All of these steps were obviously some stroke of luck that just happen to bring me success.
Then he said something that just pissed me off….
He said “Yeah, but didn’t you just get lucky?”
He was referring to my Animal Magic Show. He was suggesting that I just “got lucky” when I put it together and starting making MY living as an entertainer.
I thought to myself Yeah…
It was lucky that I put together a show that kids and parents love.
It was lucky that I studied all the great marketers for hours on end (and still do) to try and figure out how to sell my show.
It was lucky that I put an ad in the yellow pages (no internet back then) that booked tons of gigs.
It was lucky that I created a direct mail campaign that helped me dominate market after market.
It was lucky that I created another show just as successful as Animal Magic for a completely different market.
It was lucky that I created 2 completely separate websites that booked way more shows!
All of these steps were obviously some stroke of luck that just happen to bring me success.
Luck is getting discovered at the cash register of a Piggly Wiggly and hired to star in a major motion picture.
Making your living as an entertainer is a matter of dedication, smart marketing and a strong will to succeed (with a little talent mixed in). That’s it.
How bad do YOU want it? Ya see, my drummer friend was never that committed. He never believed it was possible. He never learned to “work smart”. He never learned the real business of the business.
Making your living as an entertainer is a matter of dedication, smart marketing and a strong will to succeed (with a little talent mixed in). That’s it.
How bad do YOU want it? Ya see, my drummer friend was never that committed. He never believed it was possible. He never learned to “work smart”. He never learned the real business of the business.
And here's the funniest thing. When I told him a brief summary of how the system works, his comment was "Isn't that selling out". No my friend. Selling out is continuing to work a job that you hate when the answer is right in front of you.
You on the other hand, have already made the commitment by joining Rebel Entertainers and reading this blog.
If you’d like to see every step I took in creating a hugely successful performing business, the steps that got me “lucky”, you can find them in the Rebel Entertainers’ Success System.
Not only is it an entire manual of marketing 101, but it has every marketing piece that I’ve used to build my business. And you get the rights to simply change the documents to your information and be booking shows almost overnight.
You on the other hand, have already made the commitment by joining Rebel Entertainers and reading this blog.
If you’d like to see every step I took in creating a hugely successful performing business, the steps that got me “lucky”, you can find them in the Rebel Entertainers’ Success System.
Not only is it an entire manual of marketing 101, but it has every marketing piece that I’ve used to build my business. And you get the rights to simply change the documents to your information and be booking shows almost overnight.
Rebel Entertainer and Lucky Schmuck
Monday, June 1, 2009
Children's Entertainer Horror Story - The Angry Paranoid Guy
This was so bizarre, I just had to tell you about it.
So, last week I was driving to a school show in Glendora (Ca). I got off the freeway just like I always do. I followed my mapquest turn by turn like I always do. I pulled up to the curb in front of the church/school like I always do.
I took a look at the school and noticed that it'd be easier to load in if I moved forward about 20 feet. I did.
I also noticed that I was about 10 minutes too early to load in. So I grabbed my cell phone and starting checking my messages.
Well, suddenly there's a guy knocking on my driver's side car window. He was a medium sized dude, about 35 years old, with a work shirt on that read "something" Heating & Cooling.
I rolled down the window slightly (it is L.A. after all) and asked "Can I help you?".
The guy seemed really agitated and said "Why are you following me!?"
I said "What?"
A bit more agitated, he asked again "Why are you following me!?"
I said "I wasn't following you."
He said "Then what are doing here!?"
It suddenly struck me that he probably got off the freeway where I did (in front of me), and probably made every single turn I did. I hadn't even noticed his car. I was too busy trying to figure out where the hell I was going.
I said "I'm doing a magic show for this school. It's now 8:20 and I had an extra few minutes before I had to load in, so I'm listening to my messages."
So he said "You're telling me that you followed me all the way from the freeway and you JUST COINCIDENTALLY parked right behind me. We just coincidentally were driving to the same place."
I said "Yah. Here's the contract with the name of the school and the time and the date. I'm doing a magic show at this school in about a half an hour".
He said “Well that’s awfully coincidental, don’t ya think!?”
At that point in time I looked forward and noticed that he had a kid in his car. I realized that he was implying that I had some evil ulterior motive. That I had concocted a complex plot to do some rotten thing. That I figured out who the contact at the school was, created a fake contract, got dressed up in a magicians costume, loaded all sorts of critters in the car, followed him to that particular spot, and was ready to make my move.
I said “Yah, it is awfully coincidental”
He said “Who’s your contact?”
I looked on the contract and told him who my contact was. Then I asked if he knew who she was.
He said he did.
And then he tagged one more time “It’s just a coincidence. I find that hard to believe!”
And said he was going to find out what was really going on.
I said “Fine.”
Well, of course, I made a beeline to the school office and explained the situation to my contact.
The man took his child to her class and was walking out when I was walking with my contact to the venue to set up the show.
I said “Did you find out that I’m here to do a show?”
He said “Yah. But I had to protect my child.”
No apology. No “Gee, sorry for the misunderstanding”. No “Have fun”. Nothing. In fact, he seemed ready to get into some crazy physical altercation.
Turns out he had questioned the teacher. “What’s he here for? How long has he been doing this? Have you ever seen him before?....”
This was the fifth year in a row I had performed at this school.
He just stormed off still pissed that I was even in the vicinity.
So I took my boot and kicked him right in the groin. As he laid on the ground I laughed maniacally and pointed at him ... Ok. I made up that part. I just wanted to make sure you were still paying attention.
But he really did leave still all angry. Angry at me, at the world, at him for making an ass of himself.
So, last week I was driving to a school show in Glendora (Ca). I got off the freeway just like I always do. I followed my mapquest turn by turn like I always do. I pulled up to the curb in front of the church/school like I always do.
I took a look at the school and noticed that it'd be easier to load in if I moved forward about 20 feet. I did.
I also noticed that I was about 10 minutes too early to load in. So I grabbed my cell phone and starting checking my messages.
Well, suddenly there's a guy knocking on my driver's side car window. He was a medium sized dude, about 35 years old, with a work shirt on that read "something" Heating & Cooling.
I rolled down the window slightly (it is L.A. after all) and asked "Can I help you?".
The guy seemed really agitated and said "Why are you following me!?"
I said "What?"
A bit more agitated, he asked again "Why are you following me!?"
I said "I wasn't following you."
He said "Then what are doing here!?"
It suddenly struck me that he probably got off the freeway where I did (in front of me), and probably made every single turn I did. I hadn't even noticed his car. I was too busy trying to figure out where the hell I was going.
I said "I'm doing a magic show for this school. It's now 8:20 and I had an extra few minutes before I had to load in, so I'm listening to my messages."
So he said "You're telling me that you followed me all the way from the freeway and you JUST COINCIDENTALLY parked right behind me. We just coincidentally were driving to the same place."
I said "Yah. Here's the contract with the name of the school and the time and the date. I'm doing a magic show at this school in about a half an hour".
He said “Well that’s awfully coincidental, don’t ya think!?”
At that point in time I looked forward and noticed that he had a kid in his car. I realized that he was implying that I had some evil ulterior motive. That I had concocted a complex plot to do some rotten thing. That I figured out who the contact at the school was, created a fake contract, got dressed up in a magicians costume, loaded all sorts of critters in the car, followed him to that particular spot, and was ready to make my move.
I said “Yah, it is awfully coincidental”
He said “Who’s your contact?”
I looked on the contract and told him who my contact was. Then I asked if he knew who she was.
He said he did.
And then he tagged one more time “It’s just a coincidence. I find that hard to believe!”
And said he was going to find out what was really going on.
I said “Fine.”
Well, of course, I made a beeline to the school office and explained the situation to my contact.
The man took his child to her class and was walking out when I was walking with my contact to the venue to set up the show.
I said “Did you find out that I’m here to do a show?”
He said “Yah. But I had to protect my child.”
No apology. No “Gee, sorry for the misunderstanding”. No “Have fun”. Nothing. In fact, he seemed ready to get into some crazy physical altercation.
Turns out he had questioned the teacher. “What’s he here for? How long has he been doing this? Have you ever seen him before?....”
This was the fifth year in a row I had performed at this school.
He just stormed off still pissed that I was even in the vicinity.
So I took my boot and kicked him right in the groin. As he laid on the ground I laughed maniacally and pointed at him ... Ok. I made up that part. I just wanted to make sure you were still paying attention.
But he really did leave still all angry. Angry at me, at the world, at him for making an ass of himself.
The Big Lesson
Now I have complete confidence in the human race. I believe that 99% of world’s population are pretty logical and pretty cool. But there are still those crazy 1% that are paranoid and illogically thinking that the world is somehow out to get them.
I don’t pretend to know what was going through this guy’s head. Maybe he was going through a divorce and being followed by a private eye. Maybe he had prior experience with his child be kidnapped. I don’t know.
But I do know this. As children’s entertainers we need to keep an eye out for anything that we do that can be PERCEIVED as dangerous or lascivious in any way.
We are here to make children happy and to make their parents feel secure in knowing that they are taken care of. That’s our job.
- John
Rebel Entertainer and Guy that’s just trying to do my job
I don’t pretend to know what was going through this guy’s head. Maybe he was going through a divorce and being followed by a private eye. Maybe he had prior experience with his child be kidnapped. I don’t know.
But I do know this. As children’s entertainers we need to keep an eye out for anything that we do that can be PERCEIVED as dangerous or lascivious in any way.
We are here to make children happy and to make their parents feel secure in knowing that they are taken care of. That’s our job.
- John
Rebel Entertainer and Guy that’s just trying to do my job
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Another Brilliant Marketing Strategy for Variety Artists
You must read this entire post to understand the BRILLIANCE of this strategy. Here we go...
The owner of the Yardhouse restaurant chain spoke at a high-end charity function on Sunday night.
He was only offering them that night until 9:30. So we had to act fast.
Well, to me this was a no-brainer. I'm giving $25.00 a month to a really cool charity and getting $25.00 worth of good food. Plus it'll get my butt out of the house once a month.
From a marketing standpoint I thought "What? Is this guy stupid? He's selling gift cards but he's giving away all his profits from the transaction".
Then I started thinking about it. Here's what he really did:
1.) Let's face it, if you go to the Yardhouse you'll be spending a helluva lot more than 25 bucks. I have a wife and kids. I imagine my bill will be closer to the hundred dollar mark. Twelve separate times. Even with the gift card, that's $75.00 profit X 12 months. That's a brand new customer that's going to spend $900.00 a year at one of his restaurants.
2.) Less than 50% of gift certificates are actually redeemed. So even if you did go to the restaurant and only spend the $25.00, his exposure is minimal.
3.) Chances are I'm not gonna go every month. But it's likely that I'll give the card to a friend if I'm not using it. There's another new customer.
4.) If he sells all 200 opportunities, that's $6,000 he's giving to a charity. That's gotta make he and the charity feel pretty good. I'm sure he's using that as a promotional tool "Yardhouse donates $6000.00 to children's charity." Heck, might even make the news.
5.) How much money has come out of his pocket? Zero! Ok, maybe the price to print the cards. A small price to pay.
6.) Lastly, guess who's going to be telling everybody that the Yardhouse donated $6000 to their charity? Answer: The Charity. They will definitely be the restaurant's own personal viral cheering section.
So, let's review. They donated $6000.00 to a good charity. They've brought in a ton of new customers. They've made a huge profit for every card redeemed. If they played their cards right, they got great press for it. Their exposure was minimal. And it cost them nothing.
Now, how can you use this info? The obvious answer is to create a gift card or gift certificate. But there are a few rules.
First, the gift card must be in an amount that is less than your services cost. 25% is a good start. For example, if you normally charge $400.00 for an event, make the gift card for $100.00. That way when someone does redeem it, they will have to pay you 75% of your normal fee. Hint: Write on the gift card "Can not be combined with other gift cards or other offers"
Secondly, you can certainly put them on your website individually, but the best way to sell them is in bulk at a discounted rate. For example, sell them to real estate agents. Offer ten $100.00 gift certificates at a discounted rate of only $50.00 each. They can then give them to their clients.
Lastly, the press comes with the charity. You can do this with or without giving the money to the charity of your choice. But that's where the free publicity comes in.
Final note: I've donated many of these types of gift certificates in silent auctions and such, always with the stipulation that the client put me in the program as a sponsor AND that the gift certificate is used to increase the value of an already existing gift or gift basket.
Nobody has ever redeemed one. I'm convinced that either I suck really bad, or, more likely, when someone buys the gift basket, my certificate isn't the thing that they had they're heart set on.
That's a tons of free advertising!
But don't limit yourself to that scenario. Be creative with your gifts. Remember, they are gifts.
Rebel Entertainer and Gift Giver
The owner of the Yardhouse restaurant chain spoke at a high-end charity function on Sunday night.
He made a very special offer to the crowd at hand. He was offering 200 gift card opportunities for his restaurant. The cards were worth $25.00 each towards food at the Yardhouse. You had to commit to a year's worth (12 gift cards, total $300.00). You could buy them all in a batch or commit to one a month.
But here's the spin. All the money he received for the gift cards would be DONATED TO THE CHARITY (a wonderful children's fund).He was only offering them that night until 9:30. So we had to act fast.
Well, to me this was a no-brainer. I'm giving $25.00 a month to a really cool charity and getting $25.00 worth of good food. Plus it'll get my butt out of the house once a month.
From a marketing standpoint I thought "What? Is this guy stupid? He's selling gift cards but he's giving away all his profits from the transaction".
Then I started thinking about it. Here's what he really did:
1.) Let's face it, if you go to the Yardhouse you'll be spending a helluva lot more than 25 bucks. I have a wife and kids. I imagine my bill will be closer to the hundred dollar mark. Twelve separate times. Even with the gift card, that's $75.00 profit X 12 months. That's a brand new customer that's going to spend $900.00 a year at one of his restaurants.
2.) Less than 50% of gift certificates are actually redeemed. So even if you did go to the restaurant and only spend the $25.00, his exposure is minimal.
3.) Chances are I'm not gonna go every month. But it's likely that I'll give the card to a friend if I'm not using it. There's another new customer.
4.) If he sells all 200 opportunities, that's $6,000 he's giving to a charity. That's gotta make he and the charity feel pretty good. I'm sure he's using that as a promotional tool "Yardhouse donates $6000.00 to children's charity." Heck, might even make the news.
5.) How much money has come out of his pocket? Zero! Ok, maybe the price to print the cards. A small price to pay.
6.) Lastly, guess who's going to be telling everybody that the Yardhouse donated $6000 to their charity? Answer: The Charity. They will definitely be the restaurant's own personal viral cheering section.
So, let's review. They donated $6000.00 to a good charity. They've brought in a ton of new customers. They've made a huge profit for every card redeemed. If they played their cards right, they got great press for it. Their exposure was minimal. And it cost them nothing.
Now, how can you use this info? The obvious answer is to create a gift card or gift certificate. But there are a few rules.
First, the gift card must be in an amount that is less than your services cost. 25% is a good start. For example, if you normally charge $400.00 for an event, make the gift card for $100.00. That way when someone does redeem it, they will have to pay you 75% of your normal fee. Hint: Write on the gift card "Can not be combined with other gift cards or other offers"
Secondly, you can certainly put them on your website individually, but the best way to sell them is in bulk at a discounted rate. For example, sell them to real estate agents. Offer ten $100.00 gift certificates at a discounted rate of only $50.00 each. They can then give them to their clients.
Lastly, the press comes with the charity. You can do this with or without giving the money to the charity of your choice. But that's where the free publicity comes in.
Final note: I've donated many of these types of gift certificates in silent auctions and such, always with the stipulation that the client put me in the program as a sponsor AND that the gift certificate is used to increase the value of an already existing gift or gift basket.
Nobody has ever redeemed one. I'm convinced that either I suck really bad, or, more likely, when someone buys the gift basket, my certificate isn't the thing that they had they're heart set on.
That's a tons of free advertising!
But don't limit yourself to that scenario. Be creative with your gifts. Remember, they are gifts.
Rebel Entertainer and Gift Giver
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Learning from Wango Tango
Let's Take Advantage Of the Big Brains!
Last Saturday I took Lily and two of her little friends to see the KIIS FM concert Wango Tango. The line up was… get this: Jamie Fox, The Black Eyed Peas, Kelly Clarkson, Lady GaGa, Flo Rida, All American Rejects, Soulja Boy, and many more.
You may or may not have heard of all these folks, but believe me, they are all huge names in the current hip hop and pop rock world. Hundreds of thousands of dollars were put into this concert.
From an entertainer’s marketing eye, I took a look at what the promoters did before, during and after the show, and have broken it down for you. Ways you can use these same techniques in promoting your own stuff and making more money.
Here we go:
1.) Tickets ran from about $85.00 to about $800.00. The 15,000 seat venue was sold out. If you don’t think that there’s money available in this tough economy, take a look at that. If it’s something people want, they’ll pay.
2.) Even at that price, I don’t think ticket sales were enough to pay all 12 big name bands. They had sponsors, and a lot of them. Have you thought about going after some sponsors for your show?
3.) Outside the stadium, before the concert, they had all kinds of food and merchandise booths set up. Thousands were made before you even walked into the concert. What can you sell before your event even starts?
4.) Unadvertised bonus! They had a small stage set up outside the stadium that had smaller acts playing as you waited. One of them was Mitchell Musso (the sidekick on the Hannah Montana show). This was the highlight of Lily’s day. This was something above and beyond what was advertised. What extra service are giving that you don’t even mention in your sales pitch? One that will thrill your customer.
5.) Every single band mentioned that they were about to release a new album or that you could download the song you just heard on ITunes. Are you promoting your products or services during your show? If now, why not?
6.) Throughout the show, an airplane flew over the stadium a bunch of times promoting different bands’ new albums with lights on the wings and body of the plane. Ok. This one is insanely over the top. But it adds to the whole event.
7.) On each side of the stage, there were 50 foot signs with the pictures of all the acts appearing. Do you have a sign with your name and website visible when you’re performing? It doesn’t have to be 50 feet tall. It just needs to be visible.
8.) A local car dealership had a raffle for a free Prius. Maybe you can’t give away a car, but what are you giving for free?
Too many more lessons to list all here. But if you ever get a chance to go to a major concert, keep your Rebel Entertainer’s marketing eyes open.
- John
Rebel Entertainer and Wango Tango-er
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Why Susan Boyle?
How Can You Do What Susan Boyle Did?
If you haven't heard of Susan Boyle yet, you've been living under a rock. She's the lady that sang on Britain's got talent and has one of the most viral videos of all time.
More people have viewed her singing debut than watched the Superbowl last year.
But why did this video go so viral. What made it so amazing? Wouldn't you love to use a bit of what she used (even if she didn't know it) in your own performances.
Well, here ya go...
It can be broken down into an emotional state called "Elevation".
Psychologist Lynne Johnson defines this emotional state as: "Characterized by a warm, glowing feeling that we get when someone TRANSCENDS OUR EXPECTATION."
That's it.
When Susan Boyle first came on stage, everybody expected her to fail. She wasn't great looking. She was a bit older. Her appearance certainly wasn't that of the next Britain Idol. But then she transcended everyone's expectations and blew everybody away.
There are two glaring truths about this.
First, if she was super hot looking, people may have loved her, but she wouldn't have put everybody in that elevated state.
Secondly, her looks and character (and of course her talent) worked FOR her in a dramatic way.
As variety artists, we can use this "Elevation" every time we perform.
Let's face it. When most people hire a clown, twister, mime, magician (unless it's corporate), storyteller or juggler, they have certain expectations. Most of the general public thinks that we're all the same.
We can use that expectation to our advantage.
When I first started performing for kids, I used that expectation to my advantage. In fact, my first USP was "Exceeding Your Expectations". I used that because I knew that a lot of children's entertainers in my area had acts that were all the same.
Whether they were clowns, magicians, or disney type characters, they all did the big parachute thing, the broken magic wand, the candy out of the dove pan, and a few easy balloon animals.
Now all these activities are fine and dandy and fun for the kids. And my guess is that I'm offending some folks that are reading this and are still doing those activities.
But, when I arrived at that same party, made a chinchilla appear out of fire, turned a fake snake into a live one, and had the kids and the parents laughing harder than they ever have, I completely "transcended their expectations".
This original presentation - way different than anything anybody had ever seen - booked me more referrals than I could count.
They expected one thing, and were blown away to discover there was something much much more available.
Now, I'm not telling you all this to brag. And I'm not suggesting that you do magic with live animals. I'm telling you this because I want you to be creating original presentations that will "Transcend Everybody's Expectations".
What is everybody else doing? Do it better and more original than everyone in your market, and you are guaranteed to be successful.
- John
Rebel Entertainer and Guy That Wishes He Had the Talent of Susan Boyle
More people have viewed her singing debut than watched the Superbowl last year.
But why did this video go so viral. What made it so amazing? Wouldn't you love to use a bit of what she used (even if she didn't know it) in your own performances.
Well, here ya go...
It can be broken down into an emotional state called "Elevation".
Psychologist Lynne Johnson defines this emotional state as: "Characterized by a warm, glowing feeling that we get when someone TRANSCENDS OUR EXPECTATION."
That's it.
When Susan Boyle first came on stage, everybody expected her to fail. She wasn't great looking. She was a bit older. Her appearance certainly wasn't that of the next Britain Idol. But then she transcended everyone's expectations and blew everybody away.
There are two glaring truths about this.
First, if she was super hot looking, people may have loved her, but she wouldn't have put everybody in that elevated state.
Secondly, her looks and character (and of course her talent) worked FOR her in a dramatic way.
As variety artists, we can use this "Elevation" every time we perform.
Let's face it. When most people hire a clown, twister, mime, magician (unless it's corporate), storyteller or juggler, they have certain expectations. Most of the general public thinks that we're all the same.
We can use that expectation to our advantage.
When I first started performing for kids, I used that expectation to my advantage. In fact, my first USP was "Exceeding Your Expectations". I used that because I knew that a lot of children's entertainers in my area had acts that were all the same.
Whether they were clowns, magicians, or disney type characters, they all did the big parachute thing, the broken magic wand, the candy out of the dove pan, and a few easy balloon animals.
Now all these activities are fine and dandy and fun for the kids. And my guess is that I'm offending some folks that are reading this and are still doing those activities.
But, when I arrived at that same party, made a chinchilla appear out of fire, turned a fake snake into a live one, and had the kids and the parents laughing harder than they ever have, I completely "transcended their expectations".
This original presentation - way different than anything anybody had ever seen - booked me more referrals than I could count.
They expected one thing, and were blown away to discover there was something much much more available.
Now, I'm not telling you all this to brag. And I'm not suggesting that you do magic with live animals. I'm telling you this because I want you to be creating original presentations that will "Transcend Everybody's Expectations".
What is everybody else doing? Do it better and more original than everyone in your market, and you are guaranteed to be successful.
- John
Rebel Entertainer and Guy That Wishes He Had the Talent of Susan Boyle
Friday, April 24, 2009
Bathroom Marketing
How a guy let ten dollar bills just fly on by!
I was driving to a couple of school shows last Friday. The school was in the middle of the desert and I'd been driving for about an hour and half.
I had to go to the bathroom and I thought it'd be wise to stop before I got to the school. That way I wouldn't have to run in and say "Hi, I'm John and I gotta pee!".
So, on the side of the road was something called a trading post. It was the only thing within about 40 miles. Basically, it looked like two shops next to each other. One had Indian rugs and such, and the other was more like a liquor store: Beer, sandwiches, water, sodas etc... They were obviously owned by the same person.
So, I walked up to the front and asked the trading post guy who looked like the manager/owner "Do you have a bathroom?" He fumbled for an answer for a second and then said "Are you a customer?"
Now he didn't know if I was a customer or not. He didn't know whether or not I had a hundred dollar bill burning a hole in my pocket to spend on his rugs, water and beer. All he knew is that he didn't want anybody using his bathroom that wasn't spending money FIRST.
So, of course he said, "No. This is not a public bathroom!" with a bit of a bad attitude.
I crossed my legs, grumbled a bit, got back in my car and went to the school and said "Hi, I'm John Abrams, can I use your bathroom before I get started?"
Well, I used the restroom, set up the shows, shows went great, I packed up and was ready to take the long drive home.
Here's something trading post man didn't plan on. After my shows, I was starving! And I was thirsty. I had run out of water bottles (which I always keep in my car).
The trading post was literally two minutes from the school. I drove by and thought, I'm friggin' hungry and thirsty. And there's a trading post up ahead.
Oh, wait a minute. I'm not a customer! I can't stop there and buy their food or water or anything. So I drove about 40 miles to the next pit stop and fed and watered.
I only spent about ten bucks. But that's ten bucks that the trading post guy DIDN'T GET OUT ME.
There are thousands of cars driving by that stretch of road every day. How many people has trading post man pissed off (pardon the pun)? How many ten dollar bills has he let just pass on by?
Grabbing all those ten spots out of thin air sounds like an easy job to me.
How 'bout a sign that says "Driving long? Free bathroom break with every cup o' coffee." or "Thirsty? Make a pit stop and quench your thirst"
Heck, he's the only market within miles. People will stop!
But nope. He's satisfied with a bad attitude and terrible customer service and a dying business. There's a reason that the only stop for miles on a busy highway was COMPLETELY EMPTY!
Now it's time to take a look at your own business.
Are you bending over backwards to give your customers the best service possible? Are you offering something extra for free, or of amazing value? Or are you holding out, or giving an attitude, or doing things that don't necessarily promote your business in the perfect light?
What else can you do to make sure when people visit your trading post, they'll come back again and again?
- John
Rebel Entertainer and Guy Who Can't Hold His Bladder More Than 2 Hours
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
My Family's Experience with the Anaheim Hills Fires
No marketing today. Just something kinda personal and interesting.
I live in Anaheim Hills. Last November we had to evacuate our house because the fire was literally a block and a half away from our house. Coming towards us! The smoke was unbearable.
So we loaded up the computer, the animals and the family in the Van and the PT Cruiser and headed out to a hotel in Newport beach. We were all a bit scared, but tried to turn it into an adventure. That night we ate barbecue (ironically) at Outback Steakhouse and stayed in a nice pet friendly hotel.
Well, two weeks ago, I was hiking in part of the valley that had burned. I took my dad because he’s into photography and I thought the photo opps were pretty awesome there. Burnt trees, new flowers, etc…
On our hike I found something very interesting. On the ground, between some burnt trees and some not burnt trees, was a half melted LIGHTER. It was one of those big gun-shaped fireplace lighters. And it was completely charred.
The CSI hairs on the back of my neck stood up!
So I video taped it and went to my local fire station to report it. Turns out, it had nothing to do with the big fires. But it probably was used by some homeless folks or teenagers to start a smaller spot fire.
I put the video on you tube. Here’s the link: Aftermath of Anaheim Hills Fire
I also took my family there afterwards to hike around and have some fun. Here’s the link for the video for that: Messin' Around in the Burnt Valley of Anaheim Hills
Both are pretty cool, because they show the burned out valley.
Have Fun.
I live in Anaheim Hills. Last November we had to evacuate our house because the fire was literally a block and a half away from our house. Coming towards us! The smoke was unbearable.
So we loaded up the computer, the animals and the family in the Van and the PT Cruiser and headed out to a hotel in Newport beach. We were all a bit scared, but tried to turn it into an adventure. That night we ate barbecue (ironically) at Outback Steakhouse and stayed in a nice pet friendly hotel.
Well, two weeks ago, I was hiking in part of the valley that had burned. I took my dad because he’s into photography and I thought the photo opps were pretty awesome there. Burnt trees, new flowers, etc…
On our hike I found something very interesting. On the ground, between some burnt trees and some not burnt trees, was a half melted LIGHTER. It was one of those big gun-shaped fireplace lighters. And it was completely charred.
The CSI hairs on the back of my neck stood up!
So I video taped it and went to my local fire station to report it. Turns out, it had nothing to do with the big fires. But it probably was used by some homeless folks or teenagers to start a smaller spot fire.
I put the video on you tube. Here’s the link: Aftermath of Anaheim Hills Fire
I also took my family there afterwards to hike around and have some fun. Here’s the link for the video for that: Messin' Around in the Burnt Valley of Anaheim Hills
Both are pretty cool, because they show the burned out valley.
Have Fun.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Q & A Session - May 2009
I have the smartest entertainers in the country in my Rebel Army. If you like what you're reading, spread the word.
Great questions, great lessons, so read on!
Terri Foust Rogers aka T. Tator Tot the clown asks:
Hi John, I read your "Free stuff" on your website and it says in your "Seven Deadly Sins" to use "Lust". I work with children and I see no way that I could use "lust" and still have a show that is good for kids and keep with having a great reputation. I understand that "sex" sells but when I dress as a clown or a vested entertainer and am working with children I don’t see it being possible. What suggestions would you have?
Hey Teri,
I laughed out loud at the visual. Listen, there are many great suggestions on that report (Seven deadly sins of Rebel Marketing). Not every single one will be appropriate for every single show. In fact, I would never suggest you do any kind of sexual innuendo aimed at kids. It’s inappropriate and could lose you bookings.
BUT… I am now going to reveal something that will shock a lot of folks. You CAN do it in your marketing. Remember, you’re not marketing to children. The kids don’t pay the bill. You’re marketing to adults.
Here’s an idea. It’s outrageous, but if you’ve got the guts, this will get through the clutter of all the other clown’s material and I guarantee that you will get hired above all the rest. Hold your breath, here we go.
Market to all men’s social clubs in your area such as Rotary, Kiwanis, Lions, Elks, etc.. for a romantic evening with their wives. Your headline reads “Discover how a clown got me closer to my wife… if ya know what I mean” Got your attention?
Ok. Next, in your sales letter explain how a man needs those intimate moments and how YOU can supply it. How? While they're in the Elks club lounge having that romantic dinner, you're entertaining the kids with squeaky clean hilarious clowning.
They get romance, they don’t have to leave the kids home with a babysitter, and you get paid. You can even have a picture of “The happy couple” with a cut out of you in the back with the thumbs up. How’s that for lusty positioning and outrageous marketing!
By the way, any entertainer can use this marketing campaign.
Judah Buxton asked this next question:
Could you give a list of some good "power words or phrases." By this I mean good solid words or phrases one might use in marketing brochures, as they speak to a prospective client, etc. What words have worked for you?
Hey Judah,
Congrats on your win at Twist & Shout! This is one of my favorite subjects and it’s where most entertainers fall short in their websites and marketing. They have a tendency to show all sorts of pretty pictures without any direct motivation for the customer to call and hire them.
By far, the most powerful and influential word in sales is “FREE". You can use it in your pitches like this. Along with the show, each and every guest gets a Free doo-dad. Comes with a Free teachers guide and Free coloring sheet. An additional 15 minutes of walk around for Free. You can easily position this word in your show, all marketing and in your phone scripts.
Here are some others I use all the time.
Call RIGHT NOW to book the date that you want.
I personally Guarantee…
You’ll get or You’ll receive (Instead of this is what “I do”)
Peace of mind
I also use three “power words” in my USP for Rebel Entertainers. See if you can pick them out: Inspiring Live Entertainers to Create Innovative Marketing & Breakthrough Performances.
Here are my favorite books that I highly recommend for wordsmithing:
Words that Work - Dr. Frank Luntz - By far THE BEST book on how to use specific words and phrasing to get what you want.
The Power of Outrageous Marketing - Joe Vitale - Has an amazing chapter on how to write great headlines.
Rebel Entertainers’ Success System - Oh, wait, that’s mine. Includes an entire copy writing seminar in a two Cd set.
The first two are also available as audio books.
Marsha Gallagher of Laughsbymodine asks:
What are your favorite sources for learning about trends in children's and family entertainment, and how do you keep ahead of the curve?
You can certainly go online and read the Disney and Nickolodeon websites and blogs. But that’s just someone’s commercial interpretation of what kids like.
The real secret is this: Sit down with kids in your demographic and watch TV with them for a few hours. You’ll see exactly what they watch, exactly what they get exited about, and what’s in and what’s out. When you’re at a show, ask the kids who their favorite singers are, what TV shows they like, what movies are they into, what video games they like, what’s on their Ipod etc... If you have kids, it’s easy. If not, do you have nieces or nephews?
I’ve been lucky enough to be able to sit with my two kids day after day and watch what they watch. It’s really kept me up on what’s cool to them. Now my youngest is 11 and pretty soon I’ll have to turn into that weird creepy guy that watches children’s programming without any kids in the room. What we do for our art!
Leo Cruz had this question:
Hi John,
I am a balloon Artist/Decorator, in this area people have to see your talent to appreciate it and realize why your rates are higher than other Entertainers. I do promotions in Farmers Markets, and local restaurants. I spend a lot of time away from home but my name and skills are getting out and my bookings are increasing. In your business when you started, how much time did you dedicate to promote you services and how long would you say it took for your name to be well known?
The definition of “Well known” is hard to quantify. For me, I’m satisfied when I’m completely booked up four or five days a week with two or three shows each day. It’s different for everybody.
I’ll be honest with you. When I first started, I knew nothing about marketing my show. I just put the ad in the yellow pages and expected the calls to come in. Well, since I did offer something completely unique, it took about a year and a half until I was booked up all the time (at the time, I was satisfied just booking up weekends).
By the time I was ready to attack my other markets I had created a system for getting to them and getting to them very quickly. This system includes direct mail, internet, magazine/directory ads, monthly newsletters etc… Now, when I attach a new market, it takes about 3-4 months to get that phone humming ALL THE TIME. All of those letters and marketing materials are available in my Success System ready for you to change with your own information and use as needed.
The initial attack is some work, but once you have all those loyal clients, it’s simply a matter of following them up and keeping them. The work obviously pays off.
By the way, if you are just marketing at the Farmers Markets and local restaurants, it will probably take quite a while. Think about it. There are 1000's of perspective customers that never attend either of those places. But if you’re willing to really do the work, you can charge way more and get booked way more often.
Oh, and also, the idea that people must see your talent to pay you more is a myth. They can be convinced of it in your marketing. You can also use video on your website.
Mike Shenhouse aka Balloon Man Mike asks:
I was just asked this question today. How would you answer it? "Mike, How do you work the fundraiser events?"
There are a lot of ways to do it, but a standard formula for fundraisers for schools, churches etc is this:
You offer a fundraising show that’s Free to the client. You supply them with all the materials to promote the show and the evening. The customer charges a certain amount at the door and you split the money from the ticket sales. You always have to build in a minimum fee for yourself, even if the split doesn’t add up to your fee. You must require at least your minimum fee, then the rest is gravy.
Also, make sure your client has snacks and other things to sell at intermission or after the show. You can also sell additional products to make more money for yourself. If your client has a problem with you selling stuff at their event, offer to split the profits.
Charlie Brust bought my Success System and had this question:
Hi John,
In the school market, do you find that sending out a series of three lead generation letters books more shows than sending out three variations of a full sales letter (different first page/different color paper)? I can see the importance of wanting to get people who are raising their hands that also makes them a more valuable prospect, but aren't you going to lose some leads when you make them do an extra step (have them ask for the full information/sales letter)? Have you ever tested this, or have any more thoughts or observations on this?
Hey Charlie,
Once you have a show that’s appropriate, schools are all about two things: Timing and getting something (or as many things) in that PTA folder that they’ll keep and look at again and again.
In general, a prospect won’t read a long sales letter unless it was requested. Yes you want to use the 3 letter lead generation system to get them to raise their hand so you can send the most interested ones the follow ups AND something monthly for the rest of the school year: Newsletter, specials, gift certificates and other incentives.
But, in the 3 letter sequence I would sweeten the pot. Offer a gift certificate and a free bonus along with the free info. Also, I would have the sales letter available in e-mail or downloadable form for someone who needs the info right now.
And lastly, in your 3rd letter and in the free info pack, you need to send them something inexpensive with a summary of your program. But it’s gotta be something that will stand out in the folder and something that they are sure to keep (not just a three fold brochure). I have the perfect SECRET WEAPON for this, but because I’m using it myself right now I can’t give it away in this blog. I'll be releasing it soon on my DIABOLICAL MARKETING WEAPONS OF A REBEL ENTERTAINER.
But, since you bought my Success program, I’ll be happy to give it to you personally. Just shoot me out an email or give me a call.
Jason Vaughn asks:
What is your weekly marketing/promotions schedule look like?
Hey Jason,
Great to hear from another marketer.
It's pretty simple. It’s a spreadsheet that has my 3 major markets across the top. Then on the left hand column it has each week listed and then every corresponding holiday to remind me. Then in each column, under the specific markets, I’ve put the action I’m going to take. Actions range from prepping and sending my monthly newsletter, to reminders to current clients, holiday specials and even additional marketing for what was a slow month last year.
I don’t always get to every single thing on the calendar, but it keeps me moving.
That's it for this session. Make sure to visit
Thanks for all the questions.
- John Abrams
Rebel Entertainer
Great questions, great lessons, so read on!
Terri Foust Rogers aka T. Tator Tot the clown asks:
Hi John, I read your "Free stuff" on your website and it says in your "Seven Deadly Sins" to use "Lust". I work with children and I see no way that I could use "lust" and still have a show that is good for kids and keep with having a great reputation. I understand that "sex" sells but when I dress as a clown or a vested entertainer and am working with children I don’t see it being possible. What suggestions would you have?
Hey Teri,
I laughed out loud at the visual. Listen, there are many great suggestions on that report (Seven deadly sins of Rebel Marketing). Not every single one will be appropriate for every single show. In fact, I would never suggest you do any kind of sexual innuendo aimed at kids. It’s inappropriate and could lose you bookings.
BUT… I am now going to reveal something that will shock a lot of folks. You CAN do it in your marketing. Remember, you’re not marketing to children. The kids don’t pay the bill. You’re marketing to adults.
Here’s an idea. It’s outrageous, but if you’ve got the guts, this will get through the clutter of all the other clown’s material and I guarantee that you will get hired above all the rest. Hold your breath, here we go.
Market to all men’s social clubs in your area such as Rotary, Kiwanis, Lions, Elks, etc.. for a romantic evening with their wives. Your headline reads “Discover how a clown got me closer to my wife… if ya know what I mean” Got your attention?
Ok. Next, in your sales letter explain how a man needs those intimate moments and how YOU can supply it. How? While they're in the Elks club lounge having that romantic dinner, you're entertaining the kids with squeaky clean hilarious clowning.
They get romance, they don’t have to leave the kids home with a babysitter, and you get paid. You can even have a picture of “The happy couple” with a cut out of you in the back with the thumbs up. How’s that for lusty positioning and outrageous marketing!
By the way, any entertainer can use this marketing campaign.
Judah Buxton asked this next question:
Could you give a list of some good "power words or phrases." By this I mean good solid words or phrases one might use in marketing brochures, as they speak to a prospective client, etc. What words have worked for you?
Hey Judah,
Congrats on your win at Twist & Shout! This is one of my favorite subjects and it’s where most entertainers fall short in their websites and marketing. They have a tendency to show all sorts of pretty pictures without any direct motivation for the customer to call and hire them.
By far, the most powerful and influential word in sales is “FREE". You can use it in your pitches like this. Along with the show, each and every guest gets a Free doo-dad. Comes with a Free teachers guide and Free coloring sheet. An additional 15 minutes of walk around for Free. You can easily position this word in your show, all marketing and in your phone scripts.
Here are some others I use all the time.
Call RIGHT NOW to book the date that you want.
I personally Guarantee…
You’ll get or You’ll receive (Instead of this is what “I do”)
Peace of mind
I also use three “power words” in my USP for Rebel Entertainers. See if you can pick them out: Inspiring Live Entertainers to Create Innovative Marketing & Breakthrough Performances.
Here are my favorite books that I highly recommend for wordsmithing:
Words that Work - Dr. Frank Luntz - By far THE BEST book on how to use specific words and phrasing to get what you want.
The Power of Outrageous Marketing - Joe Vitale - Has an amazing chapter on how to write great headlines.
Rebel Entertainers’ Success System - Oh, wait, that’s mine. Includes an entire copy writing seminar in a two Cd set.
The first two are also available as audio books.
Marsha Gallagher of Laughsbymodine asks:
What are your favorite sources for learning about trends in children's and family entertainment, and how do you keep ahead of the curve?
You can certainly go online and read the Disney and Nickolodeon websites and blogs. But that’s just someone’s commercial interpretation of what kids like.
The real secret is this: Sit down with kids in your demographic and watch TV with them for a few hours. You’ll see exactly what they watch, exactly what they get exited about, and what’s in and what’s out. When you’re at a show, ask the kids who their favorite singers are, what TV shows they like, what movies are they into, what video games they like, what’s on their Ipod etc... If you have kids, it’s easy. If not, do you have nieces or nephews?
I’ve been lucky enough to be able to sit with my two kids day after day and watch what they watch. It’s really kept me up on what’s cool to them. Now my youngest is 11 and pretty soon I’ll have to turn into that weird creepy guy that watches children’s programming without any kids in the room. What we do for our art!
Leo Cruz had this question:
Hi John,
I am a balloon Artist/Decorator, in this area people have to see your talent to appreciate it and realize why your rates are higher than other Entertainers. I do promotions in Farmers Markets, and local restaurants. I spend a lot of time away from home but my name and skills are getting out and my bookings are increasing. In your business when you started, how much time did you dedicate to promote you services and how long would you say it took for your name to be well known?
The definition of “Well known” is hard to quantify. For me, I’m satisfied when I’m completely booked up four or five days a week with two or three shows each day. It’s different for everybody.
I’ll be honest with you. When I first started, I knew nothing about marketing my show. I just put the ad in the yellow pages and expected the calls to come in. Well, since I did offer something completely unique, it took about a year and a half until I was booked up all the time (at the time, I was satisfied just booking up weekends).
By the time I was ready to attack my other markets I had created a system for getting to them and getting to them very quickly. This system includes direct mail, internet, magazine/directory ads, monthly newsletters etc… Now, when I attach a new market, it takes about 3-4 months to get that phone humming ALL THE TIME. All of those letters and marketing materials are available in my Success System ready for you to change with your own information and use as needed.
The initial attack is some work, but once you have all those loyal clients, it’s simply a matter of following them up and keeping them. The work obviously pays off.
By the way, if you are just marketing at the Farmers Markets and local restaurants, it will probably take quite a while. Think about it. There are 1000's of perspective customers that never attend either of those places. But if you’re willing to really do the work, you can charge way more and get booked way more often.
Oh, and also, the idea that people must see your talent to pay you more is a myth. They can be convinced of it in your marketing. You can also use video on your website.
Mike Shenhouse aka Balloon Man Mike asks:
I was just asked this question today. How would you answer it? "Mike, How do you work the fundraiser events?"
There are a lot of ways to do it, but a standard formula for fundraisers for schools, churches etc is this:
You offer a fundraising show that’s Free to the client. You supply them with all the materials to promote the show and the evening. The customer charges a certain amount at the door and you split the money from the ticket sales. You always have to build in a minimum fee for yourself, even if the split doesn’t add up to your fee. You must require at least your minimum fee, then the rest is gravy.
Also, make sure your client has snacks and other things to sell at intermission or after the show. You can also sell additional products to make more money for yourself. If your client has a problem with you selling stuff at their event, offer to split the profits.
Charlie Brust bought my Success System and had this question:
Hi John,
In the school market, do you find that sending out a series of three lead generation letters books more shows than sending out three variations of a full sales letter (different first page/different color paper)? I can see the importance of wanting to get people who are raising their hands that also makes them a more valuable prospect, but aren't you going to lose some leads when you make them do an extra step (have them ask for the full information/sales letter)? Have you ever tested this, or have any more thoughts or observations on this?
Hey Charlie,
Once you have a show that’s appropriate, schools are all about two things: Timing and getting something (or as many things) in that PTA folder that they’ll keep and look at again and again.
In general, a prospect won’t read a long sales letter unless it was requested. Yes you want to use the 3 letter lead generation system to get them to raise their hand so you can send the most interested ones the follow ups AND something monthly for the rest of the school year: Newsletter, specials, gift certificates and other incentives.
But, in the 3 letter sequence I would sweeten the pot. Offer a gift certificate and a free bonus along with the free info. Also, I would have the sales letter available in e-mail or downloadable form for someone who needs the info right now.
And lastly, in your 3rd letter and in the free info pack, you need to send them something inexpensive with a summary of your program. But it’s gotta be something that will stand out in the folder and something that they are sure to keep (not just a three fold brochure). I have the perfect SECRET WEAPON for this, but because I’m using it myself right now I can’t give it away in this blog. I'll be releasing it soon on my DIABOLICAL MARKETING WEAPONS OF A REBEL ENTERTAINER.
But, since you bought my Success program, I’ll be happy to give it to you personally. Just shoot me out an email or give me a call.
Jason Vaughn asks:
What is your weekly marketing/promotions schedule look like?
Hey Jason,
Great to hear from another marketer.
It's pretty simple. It’s a spreadsheet that has my 3 major markets across the top. Then on the left hand column it has each week listed and then every corresponding holiday to remind me. Then in each column, under the specific markets, I’ve put the action I’m going to take. Actions range from prepping and sending my monthly newsletter, to reminders to current clients, holiday specials and even additional marketing for what was a slow month last year.
I don’t always get to every single thing on the calendar, but it keeps me moving.
That's it for this session. Make sure to visit
Thanks for all the questions.
- John Abrams
Rebel Entertainer
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