Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Are your clients Rock Stars?

How do you get your clients to hire you back again year after year? There are many ways including reminders, follow up phone calls etc… but here’s a sure fire plan to get them to remember you.


Here are five quick ways to do it.

1.) Make booking, set up, follow up material etc. so easy, that they literally don’t have to lift a finger.

2.) Recognize the person that hired you or the VIP of the event during the show. Something like “Did you all have a good time!? Well, I’d like to thank Joe Smith for bringing me here today so we could have such a great time. Let’s give Joe a Hip Hip (Horray), Hip Hip (Hooray!)…” (NOTE: For line twisters and face painters, make sure to send some of your happy customers over to the VIP to thank him/her personally)

3.) Follow up the very next day with a phone call to make sure everything went as planned

4.) Have a small gift for the person that hired you BEFORE the show (hand it to them) and AFTER (by mail)

5.) Have a dynamic entertaining show (should go without saying. But there, I said it)

Do these things work?

Here’s an email I just received from the PTA President of a school I performed at a couple of weeks ago that prompted me to write this blog.


“Thank you for two great assemblies. Everyone thinks that I’m a rock star and I didn’t even do any of the work. Thanks again for making my job easy.”

Think they’ll come back? I’m gonna do everything in my power to make sure of it.

Now, what else can you do to treat your clients like a rock star?

I welcome your comments.

Rebel Entertainer and Guy That Treats His Clients Like Rock Stars

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